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Hey guys whats up its ya boy Enz. I started a GIM with some seriously top boys and I've only just noticed ::tele abyss takes you to the centre just like ::tele runecraft does.


I think thats absolutely outrageous considering i always use abyss training as a start to start my new accounts. Its amazingly afk and would provide a fantastic combat start to everyones fresh accounts so honestly I think its in everyones best interest we revert this teleport back to the outer ring of the abyss

Thanks for reading btw, Enz


PS: Im probably the only one that actually utilized this training strat but honestly its top tier for new accounts believe me you want this bad boy back in action

Edited by Enzyme
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If you type ::tele t  in-game, you can reach the outer ring where the NPCs are.

You can find a full list of teleports by opening the dev console and typing 'teles', this will bring up a full list.

Alternatively you can open the world map teleport interface and find many teleports this way. (Including 'The Abyss' under the skilling tab)

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