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Staff Feedback

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owner.jpgLation - Good owner. Very transparent. Does a good job at motivating at times. Overall good decision maker.

owner.jpgMatt - Great coder when coding.



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Everything that needs to be said has. Great work.



admin.jpgKari - Feels like he's the heart of every server that he is a part of. Always deserves top role.

admin.jpgLuke - Time zone/Irl/idk what you work on so I can't comment.


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan - Good guy, needs to plan more events that aren't just a drop rate buff on whatever you feel like. I know that will come with time. I am interested to see what you can do with this role.


Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - Always good interactions, not enough to give a thorough review.

ser.jpgUltsonofares - Always has been a good mod. Good at defusing situations, very active, cute really everything you want to see in a mod.



sup.pngNelly - Same as Kemi, no bad interactions or negative impressions- just haven't talked to him as much.




The cut down in staff team was a good call, was getting to be too many. This is a good sized team with


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Never done one of these thought id give some feedback myself


owner.jpgLation - Doing an amazing job at keeping things going and making sure shit gets done, and its definitely working out great for the server and its keeping everyone happy 😄 


gg your osbot cash noob

owner.jpgMatt - Doing a great job with the updates coming out smoothly, keep it up 🙂



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Loving the work you're doing at the moment and have definitely come a long way from when i first saw your work, keep doing what you're doing sploosh



admin.jpgKari - Hes a big gae, but he is the heart of the server and always does his best with the work coming out, finally hes a "real" dev and can do a lot more which is great 😄

admin.jpgLuke - Has become a lot more active and doing more for the server since this corona issue however would be great to see you more often once it all goes away.

Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - Biggest nerd of them all however is a great mod and helps whenever he can.

ser.jpgUltsonofares - sono is a grinder for sure and is the #1 legend going, great guy and helps out tons

ser.jpgNelly - Doing a great job on the server and definitely the best person for the role, super helpful and a great player!

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Enjoy nerds


owner.jpgLation - Great owner. Making the best of our current situation by putting out content and giving the players what they want for the most part. Other than the fact that he likes women, he's alright.

owner.jpgMatt - Hardly ever active in game, but I'm sure bts he's doing alot of coding and developing when needed. We aren't really shown who works on what on a regular basis, so he is hard to critique.



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - When he does make models, they're always good. We haven't had content that adds custom models in a while, but they have never failed to impress.


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan - Good event manager, he just needs to ability to do more than just PVM based events. Not everyone on the server wants to do those, and I think the title "event manager" should come with more than just what he currently has. I would highly recommend referring to my thread on weekday events, if you guys need ideas.



admin.jpgKari - Head to head with Kemi for most active staff member, he has been around since the beginning and does everything an admin should do, in-game and out.

admin.jpgLuke - He isn't always around, due to IRL responsibilities, but getting to know him since RSPS2, I know how much he cares about the players and the work he does for this server. 100% deserves to be an admin. LOGIN MORE NERD.

Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - Easily the most active staff member, and in my opinion, the one I know the best. He has helped me time and time again on my Legend grind, among other things. You would be a fool to ever remove him from this staff team.

ser.jpgUltsonofares - Currently undergoing one of the most impressive grinds on this server, Sono is always kind, always patient with new players, and is deserving of his spot as a Moderator. Although he's prejudice towards Patrons, I guess I like him.

ser.jpgNelly - One of the most knowledgable players on the server as far as its mechanics go. There is almost no question he can't answer about the PVM and skilling aspects of Ely. I would refer to him for any question I have (and have done so on multiple occasions).

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owner.jpgLation - Pretty decent, always gets on server fixes and issues fast. All around awesome guy and love his energy.

owner.jpgMatt - n/a



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Slash is very knowledgeable. Very nice person.



admin.jpgKari - Always helpful and fun. 

admin.jpgLuke - n/a


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan - A- for Jordan. It could be an A+ if he changes his ingame name lol.


Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - Kemi is a fantastic person always full of energy.

ser.jpgUltsonofares - Fantastic person

ser.jpgNelly - A++ Nelly is always there to help no matter what. 

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  • Administrators


owner.jpgLation - Doing a great job revamping the server, all in all a great owner

owner.jpgMatt - Does a great job when he's needed

owner.jpgGinnie - Still so new on the team, but doing good so far. Seen her interact a bit with the community through discord, seems to be growing into her role as owner quite nicely



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Still our TOP Model, been making some awesome things for us, doing good



admin.jpgKari - This one could do a lot better tbh

admin.jpgLuke - Haven't seen you too much, but things are as they are


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan - Doing pretty good, but stop impersonating me thx


Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - Still doing a great job, keep it up

ser.jpgUltsonofares - Not much feedback right now, on leave kinda

ser.jpgNelly - Doing an amazing job, wouldn't trade you out for anyone.

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owner.jpgLation - As others have mentioned, great owner who enjoys interacting with the community treats members with little giveaways and stuff. Very friendly who enjoys to poke at people and enjoy the poke back.





dev.pngSplash / Hardcore 



admin.jpgKari - Huge help! Kari has helped me with questions I had right from day one and it's been much appreciated. Knows how to have fun and also pokes at the community but when push comes to shove and you need help, Kari will have your back.



Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan - I haven't personally interacted with Jordan I don't believe but I have noticed it's like an event itself when online. Usually joking around with people and did my first crashed star today and I really like those events! The rewards seem fair and they appear in random spots in the game so you really found a way to encourage exploration.   


Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - I don't think I've interreacted too much but I do notice that questions are answered and all the help is appreciated.

ser.jpgUltsonofares - 

ser.jpgNelly - Also answers questions to the best of their ability and had my first encounter today I believe. Nelly asked if I was busy before entering a multi-attack zone and setting up a cannon just obliterate everything. To me that shows that Nelly is considerate and respectful and those are two great qualities to see in a staff member.


Overall, I'm happy with the staff on Ely. I don't talk much on open chat but reading through it somedays, you can really see that not only do they just get along; but they also appreciate and respect each other as well as everyone else. I have played other servers and this to me has the best staff members who care about the server that they work hard to keep going. Great work everyone.


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owner.jpgLation -      very nice guys Always helpful

owner.jpgMatt -        to be honest never seen him before



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - never seen before sorry mate



admin.jpgKari - i would say i love him but i dont , he does not come online when i want his tz tol platebody trimmed.

hope you see this and sets u thinking of selling me it. great guy btw


Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi Friendly mod who cares about everyone

ser.jpgUltsonofares - never had a conversation with him but he seems nice

ser.jpgNelly - one of the best, really helpful and Always nice to everyone 


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan (Kari3) -   rlly but like rlly active almost everytime i come online he is too. 



sup.pngRahamies - Always helpful to those who ask nice 😄

sup.pngWill - great lookout for people in search for help

sup.pngZ e l d a - legend

sup.pngOwl - nothing to say about you owl sorry mate

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owner.jpgLation -  Great guy replied to me instantly when had questions bout the server

owner.jpgMatt -  dont know him yet but if he is anything like Lation server is in great hands



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore -  WONDERFUL work he has not failed to meet my high demands for customs in the least cant say enough kind words about this guy right here



admin.jpgKari -  Active in the comunity I see them on often answering questions no matter how often the question is asked 


Server Moderator

ser.jpgKemi - one of the first people to take time to help me when I first came to ely weeks ago 

ser.jpgUltsonofares - dont know this person yet 

ser.jpgNelly - same as Kari always active in the chat and on game good person to have on staff


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngJordan (Kari3) - smart ass but hes our smart ass ❤️



sup.pngRahamies - not yet met this person but look forward to it

sup.pngWill -  great guy had a talk with him about my weapons a few days ago very supportive of new players

sup.pngZ e l d a - always puts out great guides and does best to help the player base ❤️

sup.pngOwl - only seen owl a few times but when I do they are answering questions all in all helpful like all the rest!

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owner.jpgLation -  great owner, keeps the community and content creation active. 

owner.jpgMatt -  never seen or spoken before, im sure he does a great job.



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - excellent dev. listens to the community for dev work and some really nice modelling.



admin.jpgKari - nice admin, when you have a question, you can always ask him. 


Server Moderator

ser.jpgNelly -  does a good job, bc of time zones cant really give alot of feedback.


Event Manager



sup.pngRahamies - hardly see him bc of time zones.

sup.pngWill - same, on the occasion when hes on, helps out alot.

sup.pngZ e l d a -  does a good job, always helping and knows alot of the game always our number 1 hc ironman ;). try to be more active or communicate why your not.

sup.pngOwl - if someone has alot of knowledge about skilling it is owl. helps people out with methods and answers questions if needed.


feedback for the whole team:

- i would like to see more dev blogs/polls etc. i can really enjoy reading a dev blog and start discussing with other players on what is coming soon. (i propose to go for 1/2 a month).

- currently there isnt many staff on during the european playing hours, gives players a free pass into doing stuff which is not allowed. people botting etc.

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owner.jpgLation - Got in touch with me when I had a payment error and corrected it with ease, 10/10

owner.jpgMatt - I think I saw his avatar in game once, was a good experience. 10/10



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Gave me tons of information about custom item orders and is a pretty swell guy. 10/10



admin.jpgKari - Laughed at a pun I made. 10/10


Server Moderator

ser.jpgNelly - Helped me slay Graetoriax once when I was doing it without weapons or armour. 10/10


Event Manager

Sadly not applicable since there currently is no one maintaining this role. 9/10


sup.pngRahamies - Have not spoken to him, I like the strong silent type. 10/10

sup.pngWill - Have seen his name before, but unsure if he really exists. 10/10

sup.pngGoddess - Info Maiden Goddess is just fantastic. 10/10 super helpful


Overall Feedback:

I have been having a lot of fun on this server, but I found after I maxed out a lot of my skills I was left with nothing to do (or little incentive to do it) Even if it is not bossing, I would love to see more events. Whether that be boosts for certain mini-games, daily login bonuses, scavenger hunts, hide and go seek games, Hunters vs Prey PVP game type, or something like global challenges (First to gather X amount of X wins bonus reward) would make up for a lot of downtime between game updates, well boosts, and point bonuses.


Those are my two cents, thanks for reading.

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owner.jpgLation - Great feller. Would rather play monopoly than Ely tho. 😕

owner.jpgMatt - Havent had the pleasure of meeting Matt yet.



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Great with the community. The game doesn't seem to be broken so that's a plus. Active ingame as well.

dev.pngCharlie - Haven't had the pleasure of meeting Charlie.



admin.jpgKari - Active. Or at least when i am.  Constantly helping. Generally friendly. Haven't had too many interactions.


Server Moderator

ser.jpgNelly - Always heats up when Nelly is online. Great with the community. Always making conversation.

ser.jpgGoddess - I don't think there has been a time Ive been online and Goddess hasn't been. Great help to anyone and everyone. Knows when to intervene. Keeps things short and simple when stopping hooligans.


Event Manager



sup.pngRahamies -  Haven't had the pleasure of meeting Rahamies yet.


To sum it up. The staff team on Ely seems to be active and friendly. Everyone Ive met seems to be doing a great job. The owners picked great people to support the community and i am very appreciative. Keep up the good work.

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owner.jpgLation - Always available to fix an issue when their is one and is not afraid to be too harsh when someone doesn't follow the rules. Great fun to talk with. Great owner. 1000/10

owner.jpgMatt - Haven't seen him too much until recently, nice guy and does a great job with the server 🙂 10/10



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Sploosh is a killer designer and is always good fun when he's around. 10/10

dev.pngCharlie - Haven't seen too much but I know he's doing great things for this server and it's future! 10/10



admin.jpgKari - Extremely cute in pixel form and always nice. Not on too often when I am, but always fun to hang around at home. 10/10


Server Moderator

ser.jpgNelly - Smells REEEALLY bad but its okay. Always down for some bants and is always helping other players on the server. 11/10

ser.jpgGoddess - Literally always the first person to respond to anyones questions. He will give a full on essay to explain a tactic to someone or any tips they would need. Always goes above and beyond. He smells too, but not as bad as nelly. 11/10


Event Manager



sup.pngRahamies - Always a nice guy to talk to. Pretty quiet overall when he is online but great to talk to when I do! 10/10

Overall Feedback:

Everyone on the Ely Team is very supportive, helpful, and productive. There has never been a time where it has been an issue getting ahold of staff when I need help and they go above and beyond constantly to make the server run smooth. I hope there is an event manager soon so the server can have some more group events, which would be a ton of fun! I feel like Ely is a giant community, rare in the RSPS world, and the staff make that happen - and I couldn't be more appreciative.


Great job everyone, keep crushing it 🙂

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owner.jpgLation - Great owner, always quick to respond to any issue at that point. Also he is a sexy beast. 15/10

owner.jpgMatt - Haven’t seen much but still great 10/10



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Outstanding person. Stole my osrs gp but it was so worth it haha. 11/10




admin.jpgKari - Always so willing to help when on. Very sweet and caring but will also rip your head off if you are disrespectful. 13/10


Server Moderator

ser.jpgNelly - super duper person! Always a good helping hand. 13/10

ser.jpgGoddess - Always so fast to respond to questions. Very knowledgeable on the server and mechanics of just about anything on the server. 13/10


Event Manager



sup.pngRahamies - Very supportive haha 13/10


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owner.jpgLation - Bossman. 

owner.jpgMatt -  Da oder bossman.



dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - u da bossman.

dev.pngCharlie - who are you? 



admin.jpgKari - yo like what u do tho? im fr wanna kno haha.


Server Moderator

ser.jpgNelly - like bro... ily ❤️ 

ser.jpgGoddess -  bruh. stap hatin me. appreciate the work u do on that pg yo. and the help ingame. 


Event Manager

19.24.58-15.05.19.pngWill - ay boost me XD. U awesome ❤️ 



sup.pngRyster - where u go tho? 

sup.pngWinter - main bae here ❤️ 

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Been a while since these have been done. Time to bring em back



owner.jpgLation - good owner. Bringing new ideas and new things to the table is good. Can definitely notice a decrease in activity both in game and with updates. I understand things happen and that’s okay, but it is noticed. Doesn’t change the fact that lation is a very good owner and the server wouldn’t be where it is with someone else at the helm
owner.jpgMatt - I maintain that Matt is one of if not the best coder working on RuneScape private servers. Would love to see more and more consistent, which I think is coming. But life does have to take precedence. Keep doing good things


dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - incredible modeling. Without a doubt creates some of the best things on the server. Good guy to talk to, good work, 10/10


admin.jpgWill - good admin. Basically gone though. In the most respectful way possible, I think a step down from admin to mod or off of the staff team is needed- or an increase back to old Will levels. But again, real life does take precedence. 

Server Moderator

ser.jpgChimpanzee - good server mod. Once again real life busy and is understandable. Will be good if/when more time becomes available 
ser.jpgXenith - Great mod. Fun person to be around and talk to. Very knowledgeable. Very consistent. Another 10/10

Event Manager

glo.pngSatoshi / fm das - again in the most respectful way to those before you, best event manager we’ve had. Coming up with great ideas and executing them to the best of your ability. In addition to the event manager role, very active and knowledgeable in game and on discord. Absolutely no complaints. 10/10


sup.pngIshan - Great friend. Too much afk for support role imo. Needs to be more active in game to show his game knowledge. 
sup.pngOwl / Kutanaga - pretty similar to ishan. Great when online, but seems to be lower activity than before. Could be different time zones but I’m not sure
sup.pngSir enic - too early to really give a good review. Overall so far knowledgeable and helpful. Will need to learn to be more strict if/when being promoted to moderator. 



overall I think the staff team is at an alright place. I think a couple more good, active mods and a few supports will bring it to a good place. The updates slowing down sucks, but I get things happen. 

I am happy to still be a part of the server and I am excited to see what happens next!

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  • Administrators


owner.jpgLation - As always a great owner.
I do however have to say that we do not see you as often as we used to, and I for one miss the community interaction from you.
owner.jpgMatt - I know you're really busy with stuff right now, so there's not much feedback for me to give but you have always come through.


dev.pngSplash / Hardcore - Still Ely's #1 Model - I would love to see you more ingame/discord 🙂


admin.jpgWill - Great guy, solid staff when you're around. I mean no offence, but I have to agree with what Boats said in his feedback.

Server Moderator

ser.jpgChimpanzee - Can't really give feedback, not around at the moment.
ser.jpgXenith - You are perfect, doing good.

Event Manager

glo.pngSatoshi / fm das - Best event manager ever. I didn't know where this position would lead when we created it back then, but what you have done is way beyond what I could have imagined.


sup.pngIshan - Love the man, no hard feelings but I don't think support suits you.
sup.pngOwl / Kutanaga - Good guy, helpful and friendly, could see you as a mod.
sup.pngSir enic - Doing great so far, helpful and very nice to most people. Keep it up.

I think the staff team could use a few extra hands, but overall it's doing fine.
The server is doing alright, and I know that some of you have a lot on your plate right now and Ely may not be your number one priority but I think Ely needs some help.

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