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Not Mike

Appeal to be unmuted

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Name:New Player (Not Mike)
Rules Broken (if any): called dragon kin a moron i think is why im muted.
Time Punished: idk 8 pm or so
Punishment Length & Type: mute. time not specified (if it was i didnt see it)
Staff Member who issued the punishment: idk lat nelly or will
Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation: Dude wouldnt drop something ignorant so being the nice guy i am called him a moron and added him to the ignore list, which would have fixed the issue without muting me >.<
Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?: Idk im helpful sometimes. I also dont think calling someone a moron who is clearly just trolling should be a mute but it is what it is. could have also been from a few nights back? idk got into a heated argument with some easy boys
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This is only a 12-ish hour mute and I will let it stand mostly due to this being quite a repeated thing I've been seeing & getting reports of. It's not so much any one incident in particular (of course you know we don't go around muting people because they call someone a moron, lel) but as mentioned it's more so just a pattern and this only serves more so as a "heads up" than anything else.

Arguments, banter - all that good stuff is perfectly fine but there's only one thing I ask people to do when things are getting a bit toasty - PM. PM in-game, on Discord, anywhere - literally anywhere besides public chats in Ely whether that be friends chat/public, etc.

It'll be lifted when I login in the AM

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