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Memory Leak

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Hello, WisZ here!

I've recently been having problems with ely taking up a bunch of ram.

Noticed it first yesterday while barraging Dags at catacombs. client started lagging and i checked the task manager to see ram usage was on 16gb on ely.

Today i got the same issue again while barraging Tormented Hatclings.

Decided to replicate it again to provide picture with it.


This is after 5 mins of barraging:




This is 2 mins later:




After those first 5 mins the ram usage start going up real fast, we're talking about 25-50mb/Second.

When i've killed all the hatclings in the room ram usage stops going up, but as soon as i start attacking them again it returns to eating up more and more ram.

This is on max settings in directx mode.

In safe mode it's fine and not going over 700mb of ram usage, but i don't feel like playing in safe mode.

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