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Not Mike

Mike appeal

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Rules Broken (if any):I'm rather certain I was toxic so whatever rule that falls under
Time Punished: 9/17/20
Punishment Length & Type: Permanent IP mute
Staff Member who issued the punishment: Lation
Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation: Ok so I came home after a night of drinking and hopped on the server, apparently whatever I said was toxic enough to get IP muted. I really dont know what was said but it was all said while still enraged about a situation that I have since gotten over. I am sorry for what I did and would love to be unmuted if that is a possibility. <3
Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?: It was one of the first times I have been in this current situation, other than this time I have been helpful to everyone. Also I will be a good boy I promise.
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For reference, you flamed me & the server to anybody that would listen & to even those who couldn't care any less.
Was quite the charade and should something similar happen I wouldn't entertain an appeal. Thanks for apologizing, here's to not flaming me again 💔

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