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Soulgazer Guide

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Hello everyone!


This is my first guide being made here so hopefully it is good! So I noticed that there was no guide for Soulgazer's so I wanted to make one. First thing to notate about this mini boss is that you do need 99 slayer in order to attack them!

::tele soul 

So I find that melee is the best way to kill them, but some can argue that range would be good as well. Soulgazer's attack with magic that hits fairly decent and for a decent amount. (depending on gear)


For Melee setup here are the tiers:


Welfare: (Pray Protect Mage and your best offensive prayers)




Mid-Tier: (Pray Protect Mage/Soulsplit and your best offensive prayers)




Top Tier: (Pray Soul Split and Turmoil)




For Range setup here are the tiers:


Welfare: (Pray Protect Mage and your best offensive prayers)



Mid-Tier: (Pray Protect Mage/Soulsplit and your best offensive prayers)



Top Tier: (Pray Soul Split and Turmoil)




Here the normal inventory I take when I go. (Generally lasts about 50-75 kills) You can sub out overloads for extreme's if you don't have or don't want to use.



Here is a list of the potential drops they offer with few high end items being Dragon full helm and Hexhunter bow along with uncut Onyx.




Hopefully this guide helps people who have never went to Soulgazer's and want to experience all the bosses.

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