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Make-Over Mage

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Not sure it's really a "bug" and it's a very minor detail, however, when using the make over mage I noticed that when you select a top that has no sleeves(i.e. wolf fur vest, workman's half coat, etc) and then equip any piece of gear except bolt/arrow slot(don't have aura to test) your character will be given default sleeves. If you remove all gear it doesn't revert to sleeveless. Screenshot example below uses wolf-fur, but the same outcome occurs with any sleeveless top.

Just after choosing the new top the model looks fine. Just as pictured in the make-over menu.



After equipping any item, in this case a max cape(but any item works as stated before), default sleeves appear.



Sleeves remain even if all items are unequipped.



Other info that may or may not be useful:

               I have only tested on a male character.

               I have tested all sleeveless tops and the issue persists regardless.

               Choosing a sleeved top, selecting different sleeves(non-default), saving the config and then choosing a sleeveless top does not give different sleeves.

               They will always be default.

               The top may change slightly as well, notice the difference between the 1st and last screenshots. Besides the sleeves, the wristguards are missing.

Edited by Apple
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