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Damn Dominion cutscenes

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Hey guys, Dq, crazy steve here. i wanted to make a "serious" attempt of a suggestion reguarding thOSE DARN CUTSCENES IN DOM. On the weekend i was doing my 3rd lot of 100 floors for dom and i did some calculations. the begining scene and closing scene both go for about 7-8 seconds each, lets say 15 seconds in total. Over 100 floors this accounts to 25 minutes of cut scenes alone. Now 100 floors is never the case, i feel like i average about 20-30 rematches during the grind, but lets just say you have to repeat just 20 floors, that brings the total up to half an hour. Think of the 12 year olds who are only allowed 1 hour of computer time a day :c 
cheers guys!!

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