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Introduction - Fuel

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Hi everyone, my name is Fuel. A little bit about me, I'm 23 years old and I am a mathematics teacher. I teach students in one of the poorest ZIP codes in the United States. Outside of my day job, I enjoy shooting hoops, playing golf, and video games of course. My account is a Hardcore Ironman Legend. I am going to do one skill at a time to 200M Experience before I move on to the next one. If you ever want to chat, feel free to just message me in game. I am on summer break currently, so you will probably see me online quite a bit.

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18 minutes ago, Boats said:

Welcome to the community gamer. What level math you teach

I teach sixth grade! So, if you need help with fractions, decimals, geometry, probability, or multiplication/division... I got you haha.

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