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A few quality of life suggestions

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Username (in game): DropsRS

Suggestion (provide all details possible): 1. Add summoning to donator zone. Just like most other skills are at the dz for convenience to those that donate to the server summoning is one of those skills that would be awesome to have at dz. 2. Include a button for example of x1 x5 x10 x28 in the bank interface, for instance if i am doing summoning and i need a certain amount of items or cooking and need just the 28 raw fish from the bank i can just toggle the number 28 on and then click on my raw food instead of having to open bank , right click food and then click take all or manually type 28, sounds small but would make a big impact especially on newer players. 3. Remove buying the 2x prayer boost for donators. One of the perks of donating and getting to a certain rank should be the 2x prayer xp at the altar. 4. Create an ingame command such as ::commands that lists every single command that is possible with the starting of ::, chat gets flooded with people asking where to tele to, would also be better for newer players that feel reluctant to talk in chat because they want to test the server out.

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): I did this up top with the suggestions i provided

Other Notes (if applicable): that is all :P


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You can already set a certain amount to withdraw or depost in bank by doing the Deposit/Withdraw "X" option. After you type in the desire number, it stays that way until changed. For example, if you want 28 charms, click the Withdraw "X" and type in 28, and it stays that way until you change it. And as far as finding a way to see all the commands if you click the "~" key on the keyboard and type "cmds" it displays every present command in game. We try and tell every new player to check out ::help when in game because it alleviates most of these questions, but not everyone pay attentions or listens. Hope i was able to help you out! But I also agree with adding other benefits to the donor zone!

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1. Summoning in DZ sounds ok wouldnt mind that. Support

2. Not really that bothered about. Personally I would like to see presets. But I would still Support

3. Then we might as well remove all unlockables and make them perks for donating so don't really support that.

4. There is a ingame command ::command and if you open the console with tilde key you will see all the results, But I do understand what you mean by this since most servers will have a pop up or the commands listed in your chat box. So I do support this.

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  • Administrators

2,4 - what sin and nicky have already said.

1 - Support, I'd really like to see more convenient skilling methods added to dz.

3 - It's already too late to re-invent unlockables as many players have already purchased them.

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  • Owner

I would like to see an summoning oblisk added as well, what other suggestions are there for DZ?

i would recommend making a new thread regarding changes/suggestions to our current DZ, in the mean time i'll reject and close this one since half of it was already existing.

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