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Aye what up, i'm Pouya

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Not the real one, just an impersonator.


I'm Australian, 20, male.


I used to play Runescape and other popular RSPS's quite a lot but got bored and left, however i'm deciding to try and give it another shot.


I also used to play Garry's Mod and ended up running two very successful server networks on there, once that ended i administrated a very popular RSPS that has since died.


I no-lifed Rust for a while; nearly 3000 hours played.


You can find me casually gaming now, usually playing World of Tanks.


Not sure how active i'm going to be here, we'll see.



Might do some GFX if theres a demand for it, I used to be really good at it but my skills and creativity have disappeared with time unforetunately, hopefully i can recover them.

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