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Forums Play Time

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Hello everyone what do you think about adding "play time" in forums too

Same as in-game 

To let other players see how many hours you have spent in forums!



Edited by Ninja
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35 minutes ago, Boats said:

No support, just leaving a tab open is silly


Agree with @Boats.
This could easily be cheated by literally pinning a tab or leaving a tab open at all times.
If there was some sort of way to for the forum to actually see if you were constantly reading different threads then maybe it would be okay, but you could literally sit on the home page racking up hours on end for no real benefit or gain.

No Support from me either.

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  • Administrators

This just seems like useless info, I for example am always on the forums, not always active but they're always open.

I just don't see any point in this, no support from me.

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I dread to think how many hours of my life I've wasted on these forums and knowing that kinda info would haunt me. While it would be interesting to know, as noted above it is quite an irrelevant statistic to know due to the sheer factor that the forums can be left on idle in the background.

Afraid for now I can't support this, it would take attention away from other aspects that would be deemed more vital.

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Can agree, this is kind of useless info. You can already gain many hours in game for not even playing the game, why add another timer for inaccurate active hours. 

No support

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  • Administrators

Seeing as there's no support for this, and it adds no actual value to the server I am rejecting this suggestion.

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