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Patch Notes LI (#51) Venenatis

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Welcome to the family, Venenatis!



via the OSRS Wiki;


"Venenatis is a large poison spider that resides east of the Bone Yard, and is the only monster to drop the Treasonous ring. She uses multi-target Magic and long-ranged melee attacks. She is able to drain Prayer as well as perform a lethal stun attack that can hit up to 500 (or 50 if x10 hits are disabled) damage, and may combine it with another attack if the player does not have Protect from Magic active, which is capable of instantly killing the player. Unlike the other Wilderness bosses, Venenatis' lethal attack has a chance of failing.

Venenatis is immune to Magic damage, although spells with effects such as Vulnerability will still affect her."

There isn't much I can personally add to this description. With the exception that - if you are not familiar with this Boss - it resides in the Wilderness!
So tread with caution when attempting this fight! The location of this Boss was not put on in it's exact OSRS location due to a few reasons.
Something else to note here is; Venenatis is immune to poison & venom effects.

To access this Boss you can use the Boss Teleports tab selection or use ;;Tele Venenatis - it will warn you, you are entering the Wilderness.

With the introduction of this Boss all players now have a chance at obtaining the Treasonous ring!
Previously only available in our Summer Shop - now available from it's proper location!

Last but not least -- the new Venenatis Spiderling pet!

spacer.png 18.23.02-09.04.20.png

spacer.png spacer.png


You can now get Venenatis as a Boss Slayer Task
& You can compete for the fastest kills on the Record Kills Leaderboard


Collection Log Update & Competition


With the release of Venenatis this also means more Collection log items to hunt! But, that's not all..

Starting at the time of this posting - the 1st person to complete Venenatis' log will receive:

$25 Scroll (Adds $25 total & 250EP Store Credit)


This count be a lengthy grind or the RNG could be on your side.. time will tell.
Whoever & whenever the first person completes the log be sure to immediately document this!
This means send me a private message on Discord, make a forum thread - anything! 


Serpentine Helm & Venom System

With the previous release of Zulrah we had sadly overlooked one of the passive effects the Serpentine Helm is supposed to provide and that being the chance to inflict venom upon your opponent. With this update we introduce a brand new & proper "venom system" into Ely replicated from OSRS.

With this system we also updated the Serpentine Helm to properly provide this passive effect!

via the OSRS Wiki;



When equipped, the helmet will grant immunity to venom and poison.

The opponent has a chance to be inflicted with venom for every successful hit the player does, provided that they are not immune to it. This effect only applies to monsters and does not work on other players.

The chances of inflicting venom when the player damages a monster with the helmet equipped are as follows:

1 in 6 chance (16.7%) if using a non-poisoned melee weapon (this includes melee hits with the Toxic staff of the dead, since it alone can only apply venom with spells).
1 in 2 chance (50%) if using poisoned weapons.
100% chance if using the toxic blowpipe, trident of the swamp, or damaging spells with the toxic staff of the dead.


Enjoy & leave your thoughts below!

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