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Queen Black Dragon - Drop Table

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The drop system & it's functionality is a bit different than usual so I will post the drops & their rarity here.

First off, the way the drop system works is; you get a certain few items every kill and they are what is quoted below:


Dragon Bones
Royal Dragonhide
Royal Bolts
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th dragonkin journal's


The next stage of this drop system is; the following items (quoted below) are (for explanation purposes) "dropped into a hat" X amount of times.

The server then "pulls" a random item from this "hat" and it is chosen to be given as a reward. The number before each item is how many times

the specific item is thrown into this "hat."


57 Dragon helm
29 Dragon longsword
32 Dragon dagger
17 Dragon spear
12 Dragon kiteshield
31 Death rune
30 Blood rune
21 Soul rune
12 Onyx bolts
16 Pure essence
18 Coal
16 Adamantite 
13 Runite ore
21 Magic seed
18 Snapdragon seed
26 Watermelon seed
8 Torstol seed
24 Raw swordfish
53 Rocktail
57 Saradomin brew (2)
34 Super restore (2)
35 Coins
38 Magic logs
53 Yew logs
19 Grimy torstol
18 Grimy lantadyme
35 Uncut dragonstone
21 Shield left half
17 Onyx bolt tips
15 Royal torsion spring
15 Royal sight
15 Royal frame
15 Royal bolt stabiliser
5 Coral Crossbow
4 Draconic visage
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