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Noteable/Decantable Overload Flasks

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In addition to the 'Noted Overloads' suggestion (as well as fixing decanter also mentioned in that post), I would like to suggest to have overload flasks noted also, and to be able to decant flasks as well.

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Decant Option is Small Endeavor. this is a small Suggestible term. It can be Considered. To make Noted Items To decant In Bulk Is to Custom. On the bases Of this I vote No.

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  • Administrators

Overload flask (6) can be noted already, but I don't see a reason not to be able to note the other quantities as well.

About the second part, do you mean the ability to decant potions in bulk noted?

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Potion flasks, noted or not, are only decant-able manually at the moment. It was originally this way in RS, then later changed and had a separate NPC for it. So might've been annoying to code both vials and flasks into one?

Edited by Vegemite
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  • Administrators

Decanter is broken and has been for ages, it's been suggested multiple times already and I'm not sure if it's been looked into.

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As far as the decanter, it's far from a proper or accurate system. This is a loaded suggestion & may take some time to implement. However this is something we discussed recently that practically involves rewriting this system from the start. It is something on our minds and something we will address, hopefully sooner rather than later 🙂

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