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Patch Notes XLVII (#47) The Comeback Season

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The Comeback Season

The players have spoken. The Team has answered. The result is here.


Going Back Home


Hope you all were packed up & ready to move.
We incorporated some new features to our new Home:

- Added a DPS (damage-per-second) Dummy
- Added a Max-hit Dummy
- Added a permanent Bonfire
- Added Ivy to the walls of the Bank
- Added an Anvil in the Furnace Building
- Added a Well of Goodwill
- All shops in one location




Well of Goodwill


You can now donate GP & items into this Well in return for server-wide benefits.

This is a 3-Tiered system of benefits. Each Tier achieved will start a server-wide bonus.
Each time a Tier is achieved it triggers the respective even for 1 hour.

Tier 1 - 500M Donated - 25% XP Boost
Tier 2 - 1B Donated - 50% XP Boost
Tier 3 - 2B Donated - x2 XP Boost + 10% Drop Rate Boost

When Tier 3 is achieved, no more can be donated until the 1 hour passes.
Once the time expires, you will be able to donate again for another hour of benefits.



At any time you are able to check the status of the Well by using the command:


This is only the beginning. We will tweak, advance & adjust the Well to what best suits our players & economy going forward.


In-Game Events & the Event Manager

With this update we are focusing on bringing the community together more. We have focused on 
creating more ways to start & run events in-game to keep things fun & exciting. 

The new role; Event Manager will be responsible for creating & managing events a few days a week.
Here is a sneak peek at the abilities our Staff will have access to in order to keep things fun!


Now available in our Discord is a new way to opt-in to notifications for specifically in-game events.
Be sure to visit the #role-notifications channel to opt-in so you won't miss out on these events!


This is only just the beginning. Events will be expanded on in time & the Event Manager will be hosting his own
type of Events - there will be events daily and will involve everybody so be sure to be online & opt-in to notifications!



Top Monthly Voter Rewards


To get this started we are rewarding the top 3 voters of February, congratulations to:

@z e l d a, @dragoncin & @Kemi!


March Exclusive Boxes

We have yet again switched up the Exclusive boxes to make them more useful & more rewarding to you.
This means in short: more items, more diversity, way less boring. Simply, the best box yet.
This month we introduced a slew of new items into the game, check it out below:

Tz-Tol Set (Helm, Plate, Legs, Boots & Gloves)


This is only available from the March Exclusive boxes this month.
This set is an "override" or a "skin" for Torva gear.


In it's natural state (from the boxes) it is only cosmetic. 
You can then use the item on Torva helm, plate & legs to add Torva stats & HP Boost to this new set.


Blazing Longsword

This is another override item made for the Primal Longsword.
Use this item on a Primal Longsword to receive the non-cosmetic version.




Colored Infinity Robes

For the first time we are introducing colored Infinity robes!


You will receive these in packs! Not individual parts.

The Guaranteed Item

This month's bonus item you receive in every box is x5 noted Crystal Keys!



Punishment Log Reset

To kick off this revamping properly, we are giving everyone a second chance!
If you've been banned in the past & were unable to play, or speak in-game; all these infractions have been lifted.

Note: if you were banned for botting/abuse/or otherwise similar offence you account may be reset
or remain inaccessible. Only banned IP's, MAC's & IP mute's are being lifted. 


Bug Fixes & Suggestions

Few bugged cave horrors have been replaced by the proper NPC
Gargoyle that spawns in the abyssal demons room in slayer tower has been removed
Purple slayerhelm withdrawn as note has been fixed
Toktz-xil-ul have been fixed
3rd age pickaxe & axe G/E bug fixed
Dragon Warhammer G/E bug fixed (Shoutout to @Kyle)
 Colored Slayer Helms have been fixed
Ring of Coins, Stone, Six & Bone Brooch all work now
Being kicked from Clans due to changed capitalization in your name is fixed

Added 1 more iron dragon to ancient cavern
Celestial pieces have had base prices changed
Cannonball packs (1000) can now be purchased from the slayer point shop for 300 points
Added noted butterfly jars to the hunter store, you're welcome iron men
Soft clay has been added to the construction shop
Kalphite Queen teleport updated to be closer

Items made tradable:

Boogie Bow, Rainbow Afro, Xmas Sleigh, Suitcase, Coloured Gnome Scarfs, Eggsterminator, Fancy Boots,
Basket of eggs, Barrel hats from Lepprechaun, Grim Reaper Hood


Examine Values Prices

With the release of the Well of Goodwill, examine prices are not going to be accurate.
As a matter of fact, don't expect them to ever be accurate according to street value.

However, with release we have adjusted many items prices to make it worthwhile to donate.
Below is a list of items price we have changed to better reflect donate-ability.

All Godwars Gear
Dragonfire Shield & Variants
All Nex pieces
All Spirit Shields
All Partyhats
Glacor Boots
Primal Weapons & Armor
God Rings, Sara Amulet's & more

We will be taking notes from everyone based on the items that are wished to be donated.
We will consistently update these examine prices for any items people are looking to drop.
Please reach out to a Staff member to ntoe an item you wish to donate but examine value is far-off.


Final Words

This update is in specific response to the recent community feedback about the state of Ely. We have done nothing short of our absolute best to address the bulk of the issues highlighted by you. With that said -- this update isn't a solve-all update. This is merely the start of a new direction. This plan going forward for the next update is to focus strictly on bugs & suggestions posted by you. If you aware of any bugs currently in-game please make sure you fill out a bug report, here. If you have any suggestions do so, here.

In case some of you may have forgotten, we only focus on bugs & suggestions that have been POSTED on the forums. Do not expect anything you want if it is not posted & recorded on the forums in the respective sections.

With all that said, we hope you enjoy the crap out of this update.

Edited by Lation
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