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Skilling Armour

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What Are You Suggesting:

I am suggesting some alterations to the methods of obtain-ability, trade-ability and options of Skilling armour obtainable in-game.

Who/What Does This Benefit:

The Skilling community and Completionists.

Any Additional Comments:

So this suggestion ultimately breaks down into the main four sections all of which will be described below:


The Obtain-ability Update:

So as of right now there are two primary methods of obtaining Skilling armour in-game: Skilling Points and purchasing it from players. The alterations that I am suggesting here would completely remove the usage of the Skilling Points Store (Or have it repurposed) and have the items be randomly obtained either through the usage of a task system (Burn 500 Logs = Ring of Fire etc). In its current form, you're basically given these items for free for just doing anything with choice. This change would make them a more sought out and collectable item.

The second suggestion of obtainability would have each item piece have a random drop potential whilst completing the tasks in a similar sense to pets with a reduced rate.

The Trade-ability Update:

Briefly noted in the notes section above, any of these alterations would remove these select items as trade-able between players. Whilst some might not be keen with this change, the items themselves don't hold significant value within the economy and are not actively traded due to the surplus of items in-game already. This section is more to alter the items as to what they are intended to be.

The New Additions:

So we're all familiar by now with what Skilling armours are currently in-game and to the select few this may seem daunting but here me out. The additions I am discussing are the addition of the Witch-Hunter outfit for bonus Hunter experience and the addition of either the Wicked Robes or tiers of Runecrafting Robes. Both these additions would not only include new options of Fashionscape, but increase the general demand and popularity of some of these Skilling methods.

The Collection Log:

This entire sub-section is dependant on the previous ideas being added into the game. The premise would include a Skilling armour section to the Collection Log to give those who enjoy the grind another option to go hunting for.

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I don’t think I like the “removing skill points” aspect. Making them un-tradable would work well, I think. But for the other part, I think it is nice that I can get skill points in skills that I like doing, and then buy the outfit for the skill I don’t like doing to get boosted rates. I always played Ironman (btw) so I didn’t experience the trading of them, but looking at it now, that is kind of silly. 


I could definitely get behind some sort of other either boosted or cosmetic gear for doing x amount of something, though.  


Also support for the two additional gears

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13 minutes ago, Boats said:

I don’t think I like the “removing skill points” aspect. Making them un-tradable would work well, I think. But for the other part, I think it is nice that I can get skill points in skills that I like doing, and then buy the outfit for the skill I don’t like doing to get boosted rates. I always played Ironman (btw) so I didn’t experience the trading of them, but looking at it now, that is kind of silly. 


I could definitely get behind some sort of other either boosted or cosmetic gear for doing x amount of something, though.  


Also support for the two additional gears

I do like the premise of skilling points, but feel that they could be repurposed in a sense. I'm currently trying to think of a work around for it but completely open to suggestions on what they could be used for.

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support, i think making them non-tradeable would be great. also like the idea of repurposing the idea of skilling points. Only thing is, what could the rewards be? for example : 15k skilling points unlocks the ability "if using infernal pickaxe, you get 1/3 chance to combust the ores you're mining". even x-amount of points to unlock the ability to do rooftop agility if added. I think the possibilities could be endless

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For the skilling points/shop, we could always give the option to buy skilling supplies for them, not talking crazy amounts per point, would have to be balanced.

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1 hour ago, Kari said:

For the skilling points/shop, we could always give the option to buy skilling supplies for them, not talking crazy amounts per point, would have to be balanced.

Anything would be better than what we have now to get skilling supplies. Support using points to buy skilling supplies

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