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The Long awaited update, Zulrah.

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I hope you're all having an amazing Christmas so far, And to make it that much better we're giving you one of the most requested updates to date. Zulrah. (Yes, We made it around THAT Corner.)


The God-like creature, worshipped by many from all around Gielnor, Has finally risen from the toxic waste to challenge the players of Ely.

Zulrah has been coded completely from scratch, and added from OSRS resources. This was a large project to undertake, but it's finally done. We want to thank our Elysian's for their tremendous effort during testing, Nelly, Kaotic, Masoud, Enzyme & Jordan. Without their help The balancing of this boss would have been much worse off, and they helped speed up the progress we made by 300%. Finding bugs constantly for us to fix, And helping us find a sweet spot for the boss to be in.

The Fight:

Zulrah will function the exact same way Oldschool runescapes works. This means all 4 phases, All mechanics with a bit 718 Love / tweaking. In addition to this, We've heard the complaints in the past about death mechanics in high end bossing, and decided to ensure Zulrah does not fall into this category. For that reason, Zulrah will be a completely SAFE DEATH.

You can start the fight by typing "::tele Zulrah" And heading towards the boat docked in the poison waste. From there your on your own. Good luck and may the RNG be with you.



Looking back

2019 has been one hell of a year for Ely, Through highs and lows. You've all been there. In May, We saw the launch of the Exclusive boxes. These boxes impacted Ely massively, quickly becoming one of the most loved item's we added to the donation store. With this box, a very special rare item was added to Ely, the first of its kind. You all know what im talking about, The Fiery collection.

To commemorate this box, and it's items, We've decided to introduce what will be the very last box drop of 2019, These boxes are insane when compared to the regular exclusives, offering Torva, Pernix & Virtus as common reward. As well as the very last fiery item to ever be available in the exclusive store. The fiery Primordial Boots.

The catch? These boxes are available for a limited time, Not a limited quanitity. They are also $25 Per box, Making them the most expensive box to date. You have 8 days left to get your hands on these boxes, after that they are gone FOREVER.

Along with the boxes we intoduced a new XMAS themed exclusive item, The hy-draconic lance, Inspired by the Pine tree.




- Hardcore ironmen will no longer die in practice instances, and lose their accounts.

- Added some stat requirements to items, such as the bandos helmet.

- Matt fixed a bug.


On a personal note from me, i want to let you all know that we've been working on other things during the long dev period Zulrah has taken. We have some amazing stuff in store for 2020, and i have been working in spare time to draft up more content for you guys in the future. Here's an example of the type of items you might expect to see in the new year.



Closing up

To close up, Thank you all so much for being apart of Ely. Without you none of this would be possible, we're grateful for your continued love & support. I hope to see you all around in-game, Existing players or returning vets. Have a wonderful Christmas & I'll see you on the other side.

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6 minutes ago, Splash said:


- Matt fixed a bug.

Now this is the content I live for.

But fantastic work guys, amazing to see the 718 breaking out of its shell further into OSRS and hopefully we'll see more in the future!

  • Haha 1
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