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Slay Appeal

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Name: Slay

Rules Broken (if any): botting/auto clicking/third party software

Time Punished: Sunday July 22

Punishment Length & Type: 1 Week

Staff Member who issued the punishment: Lation

Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation: High alching for some mage xp while watching shows with VLC set as always on top, didn't respond to Lation's attempts to talk to me

Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?: I have always alched like this over the years with various video player set always on top and did not break above rule. I don't have triple monitor setup so I make use of all my screen space :/

Pictures/Videos: https://puu.sh/B1tw4/6a89c3eb0b.jpg

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Name: Slay

Rules Broken (if any): botting/auto clicking/third party software

Time Punished: Sunday July 22

Punishment Length & Type: 1 Week

Staff Member who issued the punishment: Lation

Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation: High alching for some mage xp while watching shows with VLC set as always on top, didn't respond to Lation's attempts to talk to me

Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?: I have always alched like this over the years with various video player set always on top and did not break above rule. I don't have triple monitor setup so I make use of all my screen space :/

Pictures/Videos: https://puu.sh/B1tw4/6a89c3eb0b.jpg




Sorry I had to ban you but it very much appeared as if you were using a third-party software of some sort. However; I can understand your appeal and to be completely honest, there is really no way for me or anyone else to know 100% sure what may or may not have happened. With that said; you've been nothing but a great player and help to this community and I'll lift your ban (right now, so you're free to play again) in the hopes that I was wrong and you're right. In the future, please just figure out a way to NOT cover your chatbox, I know it could be hard but it can very easily result in something like this.


Welcome back, Slay. We missed you!

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