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RP Quality of Life

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Username: RiDaku
Suggestion: Make certain sets of gear easier to obtain. (Ex; White armor from Sir Vyvin, Darkmeyer outfit from more than rng mystery boxes ((as long as that doesn't devalue it too much)), implement the Keris item). Additionally, fixing the graphical bugs of Thessalia shop clothes and how sometimes your arms will come outside of the clothing (as seen here http://prntscr.com/ouduc5
Why (how will it benefit players overall): I understand there is no roleplay scene on Ely, and unless someone puts in a concerted effort, there probably won't be. However, it'll be much easier for players to adjust and join roleplay if the visual medium aids it. A core part of runescape roleplay is the use of the game to demonstrate and display your character's appearance, and with the ability to switch back and forth between new/old models for most every piece of equipment, all that's needed is the implementation of that equipment. Most all roleplayers make use of low-tier gear for their outfits. (I personally use Barrows but that's easy enough to obtain), but if someone wants to play a White Knight, they have to learn to kill Kalphite Queen and get very lucky on the drops.

Additionally, for those that will never have an interest in roleplay, easier access to White armor and weapons will feed in to your holier/brighter fashionscape.

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I support but kalphite queen drops white gear like 1 in 10 drop rate if not more common than that and is pretty easy to kill.


If you would like to make a list of all items you feel should be available and send me it on discord I can work some magic.

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