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Where do I Begin

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Hello nerds, it's been a while.

I um, don't know really where to begin but I will start with this. One day I did plan on coming back to this game... However... I have recently been in out of hospitals for the past couple of months.

Why you may ask... mental health issues. Even writing this is fucking with me because I never thought a day in my life where I would feel so low like how i've been feeling. Ive been suffering from depression, anxienty, and panic disorder. This has been going on for several years... I've been pushing things in my life to the side and using things that will make me "feel better in the moment" so I can forget and move on. Well its all caught up to me... unfortunately. I wll say this, I never planned on taking a "break" this long. I just haven't found the energy, motivation, happiness that I once had, NOT ON THIS SERVER, but in life in general. I hate getting too personal especially to alot of you because some of you don't really know me or care about me which is totally fine. However I can say that I thought I would not be on this earth maybe 2-3 months ago. I have been lurking on these forums for so long aching to log back in one day but I could just never bring myself to do it... I've made some good, excuse me, great friends and had really good times on here that really make me miss playing. I don't wish for any sympathy. I don't want anything I do not wish to gain anything out of making this post. However my doctors have been pushing and pushing and pushing me to go back to my old roots. Go back to happier times. Go back to doing the things you used to do everyday that you enjoyed. Easier said than done doc, but this is my first step.

For the ones that do care to read this and happen to still be ingame and don't see me, this post was more of a "warning" for the future. I do plan on returning one day, but not TOday, so I can relive those glory days and catch up on all the shit ive missed. A huge part of me really hates making this post because most of you are complete strangers to me, but for the ones who aren't this really is picking a huge weight off my chest and head. And you nerds know who i'm talking about... :^)

For those who actually cared to read that all the way through, I thank you and have a blessed life. :D #StillMyWild

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Your absence didn't go un-noted, Good to see your still around and haven't forgot about us ;). Sucks to hear though man, Mental health is no joke. Im wishing you all the best and hope to hear you've got back on your feet and back to the wildy soon, nobody should have to deal with any of this. If you ever need anything we're always here, Take as much time away as you need brother ❤️

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13 minutes ago, Gravity said:

Hello nerds, it's been a while.

I um, don't know really where to begin but I will start with this. One day I did plan on coming back to this game... However... I have recently been in out of hospitals for the past couple of months.

Why you may ask... mental health issues. Even writing this is fucking with me because I never thought a day in my life where I would feel so low like how i've been feeling. Ive been suffering from depression, anxienty, and panic disorder. This has been going on for several years... I've been pushing things in my life to the side and using things that will make me "feel better in the moment" so I can forget and move on. Well its all caught up to me... unfortunately. I wll say this, I never planned on taking a "break" this long. I just haven't found the energy, motivation, happiness that I once had, NOT ON THIS SERVER, but in life in general. I hate getting too personal especially to alot of you because some of you don't really know me or care about me which is totally fine. However I can say that I thought I would not be on this earth maybe 2-3 months ago. I have been lurking on these forums for so long aching to log back in one day but I could just never bring myself to do it... I've made some good, excuse me, great friends and had really good times on here that really make me miss playing. I don't wish for any sympathy. I don't want anything I do not wish to gain anything out of making this post. However my doctors have been pushing and pushing and pushing me to go back to my old roots. Go back to happier times. Go back to doing the things you used to do everyday that you enjoyed. Easier said than done doc, but this is my first step.

For the ones that do care to read this and happen to still be ingame and don't see me, this post was more of a "warning" for the future. I do plan on returning one day, but not TOday, so I can relive those glory days and catch up on all the shit ive missed. A huge part of me really hates making this post because most of you are complete strangers to me, but for the ones who aren't this really is picking a huge weight off my chest and head. And you nerds know who i'm talking about... :^)

For those who actually cared to read that all the way through, I thank you and have a blessed life. 😄 #StillMyWild

My boyyyyy gravvv. You know not just I, but many of us actually have asked & wondered where you may have went. I was super stoked to see a post from you, but didn't quite expect to hear such unfortunate circumstances. I truly do feel for you man, I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers and hope you can pull yourself through this. While posting this may just be a lot of strangers but I do in fact care for the people I know and have met on Ely - so I truly care for ya man, and I'm excited to maybe see you one day return and try to get some wildy activity (it literally is #StillYourWild out here, lmao)

So keep your head up man, keep fighting what your dealing with - don't give up & I wish you nothing but absolute success in doing so. 
Hope to hear from ya again soon my man.

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I know we haven't talked much but It's been on my mind the odd time wondering where you've been. The only thing you can do is give yourself time, things like this are tough to talk about, so kudos to you!! Glad things are looking up and gl with future endeavers. 

fyi, sorry for killing you for pegasians when I started, was poor boi.

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Hey man, good to hear from you again, wish it were under better circumstances but life can be shit I know. I really hope things will start looking up for you, take care of yourself and don't worry about us, we'll be here when you come back 🙂

#StillYourWild ❤️

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I know at even the best of times we haven't got along, but I've been exactly where you've been and can tell you that things do eventually pick up. Not by a lot, but enough to where you start to feel a bit better.

I'm still grinding the road to full recovery and I'm a while off but having good people around you is definitely something I lacked but currently do not lack; make the most of your relationships whether IRL or online. You don't need to necessarily confide in them but just don't lose sight of them. Props for finding the balls to post this, I could never speak publicly or privately about my troubles.. hope things pick up for you dude.

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I was legit thinking about you this afternoon. That’s weird as fuck. There was this stupid meme where at the end there was a boat and a hoe in a Minecraft chest and it made me think of you haha. That’s weird as fuck. Come back whenever you ready homie. I’m glad you’re still on this earth 🙂 reach out if I can ever do anything for you

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