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Kyle/69/K Appeal

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Name: Kyle/69/K
Rules Broken (if any): Evidence of macros/third party software
Time Punished: N/A
Punishment Length & Type: Permanent Ban from Server only
Staff Member who issued the punishment: Jake (RIP)

Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation:

     Over the course of the past year I have learned a lot about myself and life and I know how stupid I was to throw away my only opportunity to play on this amazing server that has the best content. No other servers really compare to Ely. I wanted to get ahead in the slowest skills so I started using a macro, then I got tired of that and moved onto botting. It was an asinine, pointless move and I should have never done it. I understand that this wouldn't be my second chance, it would be my third, but I miss playing so badly and I just want the chance to be on the server again. A year is a long time to reflect on things you've done and I think everyone makes mistakes (or 5) once in awhile. Lation gave me permission to go ahead and post this, so here it is. I understand that most of the people that were around last August are no longer with us but maybe that's for the best in this situation. The staff member who banned me is also no longer on the team, so I understand if this hinders the decision making process. All I'm asking for is a chance to join you guys again. I even got several volunteers to be my "parole officer"! 

     Lastly, I know it doesn't really matter when it comes to appeals but I did poll the community's inputs on whether I should be able to come back and 90% of the answers were from people who wanted me back or people that didn't even know me because they weren't here when I was banned. I understand that if I fucked up again here, I would be done for good, but please hear me out this time. A year has passed. Let me show you guys who I am now.




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I want everyone to vote on this.

Give your vote, should Kyle be unbanned/stay banned - yes/no

And give your reason for your vote.

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I believe he should be un-banned.

As i said before, Only on the condition that if he breaks the rules again, His forum account will be deleted, His in-game accounts removed, and him being removed from discord completely. Kaotic has shown a change of heart and stopped breaking the rules, So it might be possible Kyle will do the same, given the severity of the next punishment in-line. If he were to be un-baned, Im sure everyone would closely monitor him, players included. 

Also all accounts should be reset, Given the nature of his previous offences.

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I always believe people can change and can do better, in this case you know you done wrong and admit to what wasn’t right on your behalf. It’s been a whole year since  the ban was placed and I believe that its a good time served. 

I vote for an unban, on the terms of account levels reset, any offences will result in a indefinite ban and accounts deleted completely. 

As splash said I’m sure people will be keeping a close eye on you so don’t let us down!

No Wall breaking 🙂

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This is totally up to the staff team as a whole, my personal opinion is no, my financial opinion is yes so ROFL. But more specifically, I've already taken the liberty to reset all his accounts. Well not a full reset just kinda ::Empty everything, and set skills to random levels in the case that he does end up unbanned; that part of it should be covered already.

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I'd like to see Kyle unbanned.

I know that he broke multiple rules multiple times, but I'd like to give him another chance. It's been a whole year since he was banned and he's still around and legit wants to play again and be a part of our community again.

I might be wrong, but I hope he'll be able to show us that he's changed.

If not, then we'll delete Kyle from the surface of Ely and never think about it again.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Kyle make a return, however I wasn't there to experience his past actions.
A year is basically forever in RSPS time,  so without knowing his exact actions I'd say he has served his punishment.
Besides, he has shown his commitment to the server, or at least the source, by still sticking around a year after being banned.
If he hasn't changed his behaviour, account deletion sounds like a fair choice.

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