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Update Notes XVI

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Hey fam, I apologize for the delay in updates recently. As most of ya'll know I been really sick and I've finally just recently recovered so was able to grind a few changes out for ya'll.

So let's get on with today's update - I will be announcing a new program after the list of updates so be sure to check into that as well!




1. MOST ANTICIPATED UPDATE: Ironman PvM Shop UPDATED! Overload packs added, Box of Rocktails added, Prayer Renewal packs added and Cannonball packs added!


2. Ironman Shop "Skilling/General supplies" has been renamed to "General Supplies" to make it more visually appealing.


3. Clue Scroll rewards giving the Investigator's Set peices has been corrected! You will now get the correct items upon X amount of Clues completed!


4. Many items have been given a much higher GP value to prioritize on death (Rares, Primal, Amulet/Rings and more)!


5. Forinthry Dungeon has been re-modeled to replicate actual RS! Every NPC in all the proper locations amongst the Dungeon! You may now enjoy slaying not only Revenant Orks but also now: Cyclops, Goblin, Pyrefiend, Imps, Dark Beast, Dragon, Demon, Hellhound, Vampyre & MORE! See the images below to view the actual model map and how it appears now in Ely.


6. All Revenants combat styles are now AGRESSIVE!


7. Kalphite Worker's combat styles are now AGRESSIVE!


8. Added TWO more Soulgazers to.. the Soulgazers place (LOL)!


9. New Top Monthly Donor Benefits program (see screenshot below for more information)!















Be sure to provide some feedback on what you think about these updates. If you experience any issues please report them here. Thank you!











Welcome to the new Top Monthly Donor program!


At the end of every Month we will announce a winner; whoever has donated the most!

Their dedication and support to Ely will be recognized with a custom Discord rank (color of their choosing) as well as the famous Insta-Kill Darts!

Even more so the winner at the end of every Month will also get over $30 USD of FREE EPoints & Mystery Boxes!

We really appreciate everyone who has donated and made such a huge difference in Ely; therefore we will celebrate you!


Check out these Insta-Kill Darts below!












I just would also like to remind everyone about the recently announced update about re-coloring your own custom items!

You may use a new system build into the Ely Client to re-color an item of your choosing (preferably old-revision items with less colors).

Once you are content with your re-color, you may submit the numbers printed into the console to us and we will create your

item and you may then purchase it! More information about how to use this amazing feature is available here.


Check out the GIF below to see just how easy it is!



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  • Owner
Fantastic update lation, thanks!


You are more than welcome! Glad you like it!!


ily lation


Ily2 clar


You are the best! Nice update



Hell to the GODDAM yes dad!


So happy I made you proud Sin!


There are no words for how happy this makes me


So glad to hear you love it man!


woot thank you


No way for irons to get it yet?


Love the update. Well worth the wait


So glad you think so!

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