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(Completed) Donator item values

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Make primal and other summer shop/donator item values higher than the 1gp they're currently set at so they can be kept over other items on death. Or simply make the summer shop items and other items (perhaps even of a set dollar amount) that are only obtainable through donation all go to Diango immediately on death as if they were untradeables. In game prices and/or statistic comparison with similar items in game could have some factor in deciding their value, but making them go to Diango immediately should be a completely fair option considering their real world prices.




Dying because of server lag, disconnection, a death before reset, etc. means you have a very high chance of losing very expensive primal or summer items on death and potentially forever. Though most items go to Diango after your grave collapses, there are still many places/activities where this doesn't happen (monster carnage being a huge one). As an example, the primal boots are much more valuable than the steadfast boots statistically speaking, yet on death a sara brew or some other trivial item will be kept over them on death while steads are almost always the first item kept. The same goes for the amulet of the damned, the rings, etc. They have some of if not the best stats in the game for their respective slots, and their real world price as donator items should have some effect on their being lost/kept on death.


Other notes:


I'm a bit biased having literally just bought the primal rapier, but there are places such as the wilderness, monster carnage, etc. where I (and others) could very possibly lose one of these items forever while again keeping some other item that has no value whatsoever (literally an empty vial has more value than $40 primals). Because summer shop items and many other items are only made available through real world donations, I sway more toward having them sent directly to Diango rather than simply being kept on death through a value change. Being treated as untradeables even if they aren't should be a benefit of donating for them (even secondhand considering most still have immense gp values). Even if this scenario only applied to those $20 (or some other amount) and up while cheaper items such as primal boots might just have a value buff. I get that there will always be a risk taken, but it's more than fair that the risk of losing these items should be extremely low compared to those obtainable as drops in game. Losing my BGS to monster carnage was something I accepted because I could always grind to get another, but losing these items (especially as an iron) would be devastating considering the only way to obtain another is through donation.

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I would like those items to have some value, the current value on them is 1gp which means everything will protect over them. I don't like the idea of having them go straight to diango on death, but I don't disagree with it. - Support on adding value to the items.

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