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(Resolved) Bandos Helm/Dragon Ceremonial

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Ingame Username: Off White/Gravity


Description of bug: Bandos Helmet has no stats. You cannot remove any dragon ceremonial items once worn.


Screenshots, if possible: https://gyazo.com/b2e2e9ae595f88123bd329e22544193a


Detailed Explaination: Bandos helmet just has no stats i'm not sure but i think its supposed to be bis for str. Dragon ceremonial items have to be removed by going into the bank and removing all equipment and cant be taken off any other way

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Never replied to this but support especially for Bandos helm, the graphics on the Bandos helm also don’t change with new/old graphics swap.


Added note, the royal vambraces also have no stats but that’s not worth it’s own post if you see this you see this.

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