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Runespan points!

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On my road of training runecrafting to 200mil i accumulated alot of points. And i was wondering if you could, like... make an shop? Just the usual stuff that is used in rs3. The wicked set, staff's and the massive pouch, Or something completely different like the esteem system. Would be a great add-on to the skill and more motivational to train runecrafting and or buy acces to runespan. Also the pet "Rue" is a cool thing to be considered adding into the game!

Edited by 991atatime
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Considering the player base is not exactly large, some items from minigames for example the Runecrafting robes, Hat, top, legs, gloves - Hat had a right click option when worn to toggle the spectacles on the eyes or on the hat these are the robes I am speaking of http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Runecrafter_robes These robes were a shop item from the minigame The Great Orb Project very fun minigame that no one plays anymore :,(


Adding these robes would be a neat feature due to their unique look and maybe even add custom benefits to the robe pieces and an overall benefit for wearing a complete robe set(Same color) for use when runecrafting for example, allowing players to make more runes from an essence/pure, giving more xp etc..


Could also add the Master Runecrafter set, also from The Great Orb Project - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Master_runecrafter_robes And give them better benefits than the regular runecrafting robes.


Add in Talisman staff's to the shop also, and as stated above can have the wicked staffs also and the robes so forth in the shop also, http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Talisman_staff with the talisman staff possibly make it so, when worn you gain more xp/runes for crafting said rune whilst wearing the same staff, example Instead of crafting 1 of earth runes, and getting 100 xp wear the earth talisman staff, and craft 10 earth runes, 1k xp(Not saying these are the actual xp drops for an earth rune just using this as an example.)

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