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(Completed) PVM suggestions/weps/armours

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Username (ingame): DetroitMI

Suggestion (provide all details possible):

-Hexhunter bow from soulgazers has very shit stats, 1/450+ drop rate for a 2h weapon thats useless.

-WildyWyrm spawn is very long, around 3 hours, makes it difficult for players that are trying to Comp to get the 5 kills and if other players are currently killing.

-Ganodermics currently have horrible drop rates for flakes, 5k is needed to make poncho which could take around several hours and upon death you lose all flakes.

-IMO nex drop rates are very high seeing that they are similar to RS, but average solo would take about 20+ minutes and not much players kill Nex because its not as rewarding due to drop rates.

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how):

-Hexhunter bow will allow another 2h range weapon ingame that will be not as strong as zaryte bow but will offer some variety in use.

-WildyWyrm Spawn rates might encourage other players to enter wild and compete for it.

-Ganodermic amours could be viable to use in PVM/PVP and allows it to not be dead content.

-Nex drop rates slightly change could influence more people to nex, other servers I played usally had nex drop rates within 1/100-1/150.

Other Notes (if applicable):

Post your suggestions or tweaks below, most of these aren't game breaking aside from Nex drop rate buff depending on the rate if chosen.


thanks for reading reeee

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Lets see:


- Hexhunter stats are not correct as far as I know.

- WildyWyrm has insane drops and its a boss that should be competed for, changing the spawnrate even a little bit to much will be game breaking. Maybe 1 per 1,5 hours on the weekend might be a good idea.

- Agreed

- Agreed, maybe make it like 1:80, kills take a long time and are quite pricey.

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I support all of these except wildywyrm, but I agree with what Flip said, making it spawn a little more often during weekends sounds alright

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—****110% support a hexhunter buff, I have 2 now and honestly just laugh when I get them because they’re currently trash. Ely doesn’t have the stalker arrows they’re intended to use or the dark arrows that you need to make them. It’d be nice to see either added in and a stat buff on the bow itself. Dark arrowheads could be added to the dark beast table or the shops, and stalker essence can be added to the soulgazer drop table so people could make their own stalker arrows at 95 fletching*****

—Agree with Flip, wildywyrm spawn should be increased on weekends but every day could have negative effects on eco (not that it effects me but still)

—Agree on ganodermic, drop rate on flakes got buffed to 1 in 30 since this thread but it should be made cheaper to repair pieces (maybe 1000 or so flakes to repair instead of full amount, add vote shop repair tokens like those for chaotics, etc). This would make it much more convincing to grind for the armor and dying with it on would still require work to fix but not so much that you may as well make a new set.

—Nex drop buff would be great,I plan to start it soon but everyone makes it seem like I’m going to clear out my supplies out for just a few kills. As an iron I can say blowing through overloads with the current achievement bug I posted not giving them and no other ways to get them besides tediously farming seed drops, a million herbs to make 5 other potions, then getting a 1/5 yield making overloads (then combining them so 4 potions is really just 3 full ones) isn’t fun. Not something I’m against doing for a boss like nex, but improved drop rates would make it much more rewarding. 1:80 with each kill taking 20 minutes on average comes out to 27 hours of continuous killing, not including the time to make overloads which will easily double that or the time spent making food (for irons) and raising money for other supplies.


—Side note when I post a thread or reply I’m usually medicated and say way too much because I focus hard on it, so there’s usually a lot of detail in my explanations. If anything’s not correct in this don’t roast me over it, it’s hard to stay up to date on everything while learning the ins and outs of this server. I know ganodermic drops have been buffed (and maybe a few other changes since this thread started), but my main beef is with the hexhunter how. Honestly a useless drop with current stats and lack of top tier ammo.

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