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Jake S

Suggestion list

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Username (ingame): Jake S


Suggestion (provide all details possible):

- Being able to Toggle money pouch when in the trade screen of a shop, player trade window etc, to see how much you have, so you do not have to close out to toggle your pouch then go back in.


- Make it so your inventory does not close every time you leave a shop, rather annoying having to open your inventory time and time again every time you close a shop just to check what else you need.


- When you go to talk to an NPC, even if your run is active and you get basically right next to said NPC, and the NPC starts walking your character begins to slowly walk behind it until it stops. Same thing occurs when attacking an NPC.


- When your doing an action such as Fishing, Crafting, Fletching and say for example you right click "Examine" a rock sitting in the water, or a tree blowing in the make believe wind, and you stop performing what ever action it is that you are doing, and it should not do that.


Why (explain what this will benefit, and how):

Explained after each descriptive sentence.



EDIT: Shift left click - enables place holder for the item you want to have a place in. But I think it would be nice to add an option in the bank interface where clicking it enables a place holder for all items in your bank, because honestly going to suck if you spent like 4 hrs organizing a tab, and 5 mins to set place holders, then take items out later on to price check items and then your items shift places and you be like "o fuk me" realize you did not save the spot of one item now ur tabs all messed up.




When you edit post for example, I don't feel like boosting my Post Count when I could easily edit and add more to one topic, would be nice if editing a post to add things would count as a reply to the thread so when on the forums it would well



When someone posts on a thread, then that thread shows up on the forums mainpage, thats what I am getting at with the edits, if the person who created a thread they edit their first message in the thread it will make the thread appear first on the forums main page.(Makes sense in my tiny brain, but I tried my best to explain it :c)



When opening a shop, for example clicking on a shop and it gives you options for shops, say aura shops for example in chat box it shows different aura shops, if you thread the needle a bit, you click between the aura shop options on the chat box, your click registers as movement, so you end up closing the shop interface in your chat box.


It would be nice so when interfaces open in chat box, you can not click through the interface and end up moving and closing out.


Here is a GIF to explain https://gyazo.com/bf4e7bc0c4a7f101b0080f7b01f43ec6





Some cosmetic suggestions for the Donator Shop.


-Ring of Coins - Transforms you into a pile of Coins

-Ring of Nature - Transforms you into a bush

-Christmas Scythe - https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/runescape2/images/8/80/Christmas_scythe_detail.png/revision/latest?cb=20141205015338

-Maybe add in an item that allows players to turn into items such as weapons, armor, have search option similar to the NPC Drop table where you can search for an item click it to transform into it.(This one would obviously be worth a fair bit I reckon, due to the trolls for days, and being able to transform into multiple things.)



- Over at Bob's brilliant prices, we got hatchet(bronze) for the low cost of 73 gp, meanwhile the hatchet(iron) is at the high cost of 8 GP!!!!!!! Phew bit out of my league. KEK

- Then we head bit North East, to the Melee Store https://prnt.sc/jxfogs, DDS = 22K, ok decent price DDS p++ = 20K, Oof, melee store also manages to carry all important sets of armor excluding adamant. :c(PLS NO BAN I LIKE SERVER




When in Dungeoneering fighting Astea Frostweb, if she is praying the attack style you are using, your hits don't register, but you get experience as if you were hitting her even though it registers as a 0.

GIF ---- https://gyazo.com/381aacbe124b6a5c73910ca3c1c9607c



Suggestion: Ability to zoom in and out with the use of the mouse scroll wheel, but when logging out and back in, the zoom should reset back to normal to prevent users with no scroll wheel getting stuck, and should also add zoom option in the settings tab.



---- Will make edits to this adding more suggestions[Active]

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