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(Completed) Iron-man Pvm rewards.

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(ingame): Kieranonpc


(provide all details possible): As a iron-man our PVM store is very empty, All we have is an Enhanced Excalibur. A cannonball kit would be an awesome fit possibly 2000 cannonballs for 2.5k and possibly a overload kit.


(explain what this will benefit, and how):As a iron-man having a way to get another method for cannonballs would be awesome and filling the pvm store would be more inviting.

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So looking at the regular player PVM store, there's:

--Overload pack: 5000 Points for 10 Flasks (6) dose

--Box of rocktails: 50K Points for 50 empty sacks (Idk how many that is couldn't find a regular to buy it and tell me)

--Enhanced Excalibur: 50K Points

--Prayer renewal pack: 5000 Points for 20 Vials (4) dose

--Elite Void Top: 150K

--Elite Void Top: 150K


I'm just gonna shoot some price ideas out there for addition to an ironman pvm shop and see what y'all think of them, they're considerably more than regular account prices but hopefully this would keep the regular vs ironman work per reward balance from being completely broken. I'll try to add a brief explanation with them, going off the assumption that you get about 400 pvm points on average per boss kill (552 for KBD and 378 for Graardor for me just now), I'm not sure how they're calculated but 400 should be a decent average to work off of.


--Overload pack: 25K should roughly equal 60 kills, and 60 doses of overload should get you at least that many boss kills but at higher levels is probably closer to 120-180+ kills assuming 2-3 kills per dose. This means a single pack should last long enough to get 50-75k pvm points netting a 25-50k point gain for other things.

--Box of rocktails: Honestly have no clue how many come in a pack I'm just assuming that twice as many points for irons might be fair

--Prayer renewal pack: Seeing as overload packs are the same price as renewal packs for normal accounts I'm just assuming it should be the same for irons

--Cannonball pack (2000 Cannonballs): 2000 cannonballs is a pretty good amount, but 2.5k pvm points like Kieranonpcc suggested (about 6 kills per pack) would only take about 15-20 minutes to get depending on the boss. 12K points is roughly 30 boss kills which should take about an hour or two to acquire depending on the boss, which is still considerably less time than it would take to mine the 500 coal and iron and 45 minutes of pure smelting time it takes to make that many.


Another long reply from yours truly, but I wanted to give some more concrete ideas on the topic because if these were added at the same price as normal accounts they would be too easy to get. One of the main points of an ironman account is the sense of accomplishment you get from obtaining everything yourself and the work it required. If top tier supplies such as overloads and prayer renewals only took 10-20 kills to get like they do for normal accounts, it would be way too easy and the grind for 99 herblore, 90 fishing, and 93 cooking to make overloads and rocktails would be pointless. These prices seem like a lot but when you think about the time it would take to actually make it all yourself these prices are still great and might still come close to eliminating the need for grinding levels unless you're just really bad at bossing.


Again please add comments for what y'all think and any changes you might recommend. Doesn't mean anyone will take these prices seriously but it should keep the ball rolling and maybe help Lation and the Staff with the details. Huge thanks to Kieranonpcc for bringing up the idea again, this is a great idea and possibly tops the list for ironman requests. Sorry for hijacking your post I've just been meaning to add this for a while and decided to throw it in here.

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--Cannonball pack (2000 Cannonballs): 2000 cannonballs is a pretty good amount, but 2.5k pvm points like Kieranonpcc suggested (about 6 kills per pack) would only take about 15-20 minutes to get depending on the boss. 12K points is roughly 30 boss kills which should take about an hour or two to acquire depending on the boss, which is still considerably less time than it would take to mine the 500 coal and iron and 45 minutes of pure smelting time it takes to make that many.


Totally agreed! Support this.

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