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350 Sof Results

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All results may not be listed due to already having some of the items in my bank. I will do my best to list everything I received.




Commons and Uncommons



  1. NOTHING x2 (currently a glitch where you receive a null reward)



  1. small xp lamp x5
  2. small xp lamp (magic) x6
  3. small xp lamp (attack) x7
  4. small xp lamp (defense) x7
  5. small xp lamp (slayer) x7
  6. small xp lamp (prayer) x7
  7. small xp lamp (smithing) x9
  8. small xp lamp (summoning) x3
  9. small xp lamp (woodcutting) x11
  10. small xp lamp (dungeoneering) x6
  11. small xp lamp (agility) x8
  12. small xp lamp (fletching) x5
  13. small xp lamp (runecrafting) x5
  14. small xp lamp (firemaking) x6
  15. small xp lamp (herblore) x5
  16. small xp lamp (hunter) x11
  17. small xp lamp (mining) x2
  18. small xp lamp (cooking) x8
  19. small xp lamp (strength) x5
  20. small xp lamp (construction) x5
  21. small xp lamp (farming) x8
  22. small xp lamp (thieving) x7
  23. small xp lamp (constitution) x9
  24. small xp lamp (ranged) x4
  25. small xp lamp (crafting) x4



  1. purple elegant legs x4
  2. purple elegant skirt
  3. purple elegant shirt x2
  4. purple elegant blouse
  5. red elegant skirt x2
  6. red elegant shirt
  7. red elegant blouse x4
  8. red elegant legs
  9. blue elegant legs x2
  10. blue elegant shirt
  11. white elegant blouse x4
  12. white elegent skirt
  13. black elegant legs x4
  14. green elegant legs



  1. splitbark guantlets x3
  2. splitbark boots x2
  3. splitbark helm x4
  4. splitbark body x3
  5. splitbark legs x2



  1. tooth half of key x2
  2. loop half of a key x2



  1. dragon boots x2
  2. dragon 2h sword x3
  3. dark bow x7
  4. barbed bow x2
  5. dark mystic robes set x7
  6. light mystic robes set x3
  7. mystic robes set x6
  8. fighter hat x3
  9. fighter torso x2
  10. twisted horns
  11. saradomin brew flask x50
  12. adamant arrowheads x700
  13. pure essence x1200
  14. ball of wool x350
  15. dragon bones x300
  16. uncut emeralds x360
  17. uncut rubies x150
  18. uncut diamonds x300~
  19. mithril bar x300
  20. adamand bar x140
  21. teak logs x50
  22. bow string x800
  23. granite maul x4
  24. grimy kwuarm x75





  1. lucky dragon platebody x2
  2. marauder tattoo
  3. tribal tattoo
  4. ringmaster boots
  5. hear-no-evil monkey hat x2
  6. swagger stick
  7. rune arrowheads x800




  1. cannon stand
  2. lucky zamorak godsword

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