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(Closed) Games too easy

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Username (ingame): Gravity/Off white


Suggestion (provide all details possible): Nerf the fuck outta GE


Why (explain what this will benefit, and how):

I think that this game is WAYYYYYYYYYYY TOO EASY, not to mention safe. There is no incentive to go and kill something like dragons for bones/hides because you can just sit at home and buy 99 prayer through wyvern bones. Nor the hides because you can just buy diamonds to cut AND MAKE A PROFIT. Dragon bones are supposed to be a staple for money making in just about ANY rsps or on regular runescape as well but they are 10k ea, whose gonna kill green dragons (other than iron man) for prayer xp when they can sit at home. Same thing for skills like magic/fletching/firemaking/cooking/herblore/runecrafting. And this doesn't just apply to skills. In my opinion QBD is like an "end game boss" something you would have to get some "decent" gear to do. Other than the crossbow and because theres no dragonbane in her loot pool whats the point in killing her if I can buy as many royal sets as I want? And taking it a step down from bosses, items like dragon armor could be nice pocket change for those just starting out, but you can just buy the armor in the GE so theres no profit there either. But having said all this I know there is a small upside to the GE being as it could looked at as a money sink but I don't think it should be this way.

Other Notes (if applicable): Overall I think nerfing or making the GE entirely player based like it should be would overall stimulate the economy, encourage more game play, and boost player to player interaction


Side note: Where my revs at dude?

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Removing the unlimited feature will then cause players to either use the ge, which they won't we've seen first hand, or to use FC which is what most people do anyways. Even if this was implemented, no one will kill green dragons still even at that. You can kill blue dragons, black, you can mine gems, you can do so many other things that would not involve anyone going into the wilderness which is what I know you ultimately want. If there was a removal of the Ge completely, it would be as if it was player-based GE anyways seeing as how no one will even use it. I understand you want the server to be harder, which is fine, but no everyone wants a server that tailors that to it. Majority of players like the GE the way it is.



This is a Pvm/Eco server. Nothing has changed. If you cannot buy but it auto-sells, awesome. But making it solely player-based like I've seen amongst other servers that did have it, it won't be used.

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Support to an extent tbh. I don't think the GE should be ENTIRELY player based, but if new players could join and kill dragons for money instead of just directing them towards the thieving stalls for money it would be pretty nice and provide more higher exp bones to the economy. There's also things like Raw Rocktails that can be autobought that really shouldn't.


I do believe that the autosell feature should remain for most of the items it currently exists for just as a way to bring GP into the game, because there is definitely a lack of GP in the game right now.

Edited by Nick
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I agree with Gravity 100% the game is too easy, No one uses Wildy, No one has to collect anything besides ironmen.


The GE should be 100% Player owned ~ We shouldn't have a flux of random items that anyone can buy at any time

This takes away the grind aspect from the game.

Nobody uses the GE as a personal store either, So high end items are never in the GE example: AGS I could sell my AGS for 50mil in the GE

Instead of people flooding the Chat Selling AGS - Divine etc, they just toss it into the GE and when someone wants to buy it, they check it

The GE even tells you how many are in there and what the lowest price is.


The GE isn't used how it should ideally be used, its used as buying flux items that have infinities.


Herb supplies / Bones / Bars / Logs etc.


We shouldn't have infinite Bars / Logs / Bones because I was able to buy 99 Prayer from Fagyre bones which are the same EXP as dragon bones

Which automatically makes farming dragon bones worthless, and not to mention the price of said bones are only 5K


I also was able to buy 99 Herblore / Overloads with Torstols being in the shop

Herbs should only be obtainable through the player base / farming / PVM

This would also make the farming skill so much more better if you have to farm every herb you needed for 99 Herblore.


I was also able to buy 99 Smithing doing mithril bars, there was no initiative to mine them / buy them off other players


Same thing with fire making you can basically buy 99 fire making just doing a slower option


The GE has no reason to have a million items in infinity amounts

The GE is making it WAY to easy on people.



Crafting, Crafting is not suppose to profit at all. Crafting diamonds gives such a hell of a profit, too much. Anyone can craft

10k diamonds and sit pretty nice for a bit.

You shouldn't get to profit especially off a high end gem as diamond, 200mil crafting make bank?

Only way you should get to profit is if you sell it to another player.

Especially when Diamonds I believe are infinity amount in the GE, Doesn't make sense.


The Wildy is a 100% complete dead spot, and has no attraction to bring PVP to the game.


Simple Solution Make ONLY Wildy Green dragons ( Drop noted bones )

- No other dragon can drop noted bones

Black salamanders become a high end hunter option - (Better than Snow Knights)

Buff Chaos Elemental

Make Rogues Chest - Have chance to give Onyx ( at a reasonable Drop rate)

Bring Back revs

Make Wildy agility Give 2-3 Agility tickets - DROP ON DEATH -

Add more bosses to Wildy

Add more items to PVP shop - Ags - Torva - D claws - Korasi - (High end PVP gear)

Edited by Matthew
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Matthew, I completely agree with the end suggestions you have posted. Although I still think all dragons should drop noted bones... If we removed all bones from the g.e players would still have to grind for them.


However I strongly support the revitalisation of the wildy through other means like:

- Agility tickets (2-3 from completion of wilderness course).


- Wilderness fishing (Shark fishing east wildy near daemonheim, could give fury sharks noted as a rare chance).


- New Hunter options (ruby harvests near wildy magic trees, they give best XP ingame with brawlers!).


- New thieving options (Rogues in the castle & Pirates Den chest).


- Woodcutting (noted logs in wildy only!).


By achieving this we can successfully remove all buyable skilling items from the game and try to atleast rejuvenate the wilderness!


Thankyou gravity for the post, much needed discussion.

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As said in FC, not supporting this.


If I want to grind and get everything myself I’ll go and play RS3.


Also I agree with Jeremy, if we remove unlimited options, we might aswell remove GE, people will just use FC/Yell/Discord.

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