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(Closed) More Suggestions

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Two more suggestions:



1. Add SOF to drop tables to slayer monsters / Bosses


2. Donators of 250 dollars + should receive a 5-10% DR increase.

-Helps give more initiative for donating

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  • Administrators

1. Been suggested before and I do support that

2. No support. I don't believe increasing drop rates at all is a good idea.

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1. Been suggested before and I do support that

2. No support. I don't believe increasing drop rates at all is a good idea.



It has been done on other servers and it doesn't hurt the economic of the server, I've also seen where in our case is "legend" but they get an increase drop rate as well,


5% is basically wearing a ring of wealth.

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  • Owner

I could see the first suggestion being implemented - however it's quite apparent that the major of people that seen this thread disagree with increasing drop rate. I've seen a few people request it however I see more that disagree with that.

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1. Support

2. Alternatively increase the rare rate on SOF spins for donators just like they have a higher chance to get a double drpo from crystal chests

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