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Update Notes VII

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Ely, got some fun stuff to bring you! Check out the latest update below! Credit: Matt!


Weekend Events! (EVERY WEEKEND)


- Friday: Double PK Points! - ALSO; every week a random player will be chosen and made a TARGET! You will receive EVEN MORE PK Points for killing that target player!


- Saturday: Double Minigame Rewards! - ALSO; have at chance at EVEN MORE for completing the bonus Minigame which will cycle every week! OR; by participating in any Minigame as a "Lucky" Player!


- Sunday: Double PvM Points!



- More Info: All the events on their respective days will be announced by the Grand Exchange NPC at Home Bank. Also, the "Target" player who is randomly selected on Friday's, as well as the "Lucky" player on Saturday's will also be announced by him. Target & Lucky Player's are cycled every hour! If Target player on PK Friday's is killed, a new Target is selected.


First Friday event is effective TONIGHT!

Edited by Lation
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