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Staff Changes II

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Update on Staff changes made today:


Congratulations to Jake who has been promoted to e0hdo6.jpgModerator!


Congratulations to Kari being promoted to 2823yq1.jpgSupport!


And finally, congratulations to Nick being promoted to 2823yq1.jpgSupport!


I am very excited to see these fellas' on board the Ely team! They have been wonderful players (and one a wonderful Staff member already) and believe they will be an assest in advancing Ely further.

Thank you guys for accepting these offers, I know each and every one of you will be an asset to Ely and provide a great gaming experience to the rest of the players. So again, welcome on board!

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Congratulations to the both of you. Over the past few weeks you have both shown to be very valuable assets to the Ely community, and you attitudes are to be desired!


Looking forward to working with you both.

Also thankyou lation for giving me a chance! Love working with ya bro.

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