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Safe on Death

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Username (ingame): Masoud

Suggestion (short description): Celestial Gear to be protected on death or atleast have some value.

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): It just makes more sense for it to be worth more for the GE because ,I for an instance, am scared to go boss in instanced bossing such as kraken with Celestial because of the fear of losing it on death.

Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): As of right now, Celestial gear costs over 2b for a set,  But in the Grand Exchange, they are registered under 1 gp. If a person dies in PVM wearing it, even a sara brew will protect over it. That in my opinion makes a person scared to go boss in instances or even normal bossing with it because of the fear of losing it.

So Adding some GE value to the item would help for it to protect over supplies when dying, if not , making it go straight to the donator store to redeem is also an idea, but I preffer for the value of it to be increased.

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