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(Completed) Corporeal Beast Needs to Change

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Username (ingame): Kyle


Suggestion (provide all details possible): I have a few. Any OR ALL of these suggestions would greatly benefit the PVM community. I suggest:


1) Corporeal beast becomes cannonable (because this IS how it is on Rs3 and OSRS. It has a ton of health, this would not be very overpowered.


2) Corporeal beast's defense be lowered significantly. When it comes to soloing, it's very slow and hard to do, because it hits hard and has high defense.


3) Stop the Corp's health and stats resetting when all players have vacated the arena. Because of this, you cannot BGS or statius warhammer spec him, which lowers defense and would allow you to solo it. It's almost possible for ironmen to solo right now because of this.


4) Allow all of these, but lower the drop rates of sigils slightly.


Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): This will benefit ironmen, anyone going for completionist cape, and anyone who can't find anyone to kill corp with.


Other Notes (if applicable): Please don't throw this suggestion away. It's a general concern for anyone, especially ironmen, wanting to achieve comp cape. As always, thank you for reading!





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Corp is kind of a group boss tbh. I still support this though, as it's pretty hard to find people to kill it with and almost impossible for iron men, which means it's really hard to achieve comp cape for them.

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I vote Yes to number 1, the cannon would be super useful. I vote no to number 2, I think the def is okay enough. When you have 2 people, one inventory will last me like 6-7 kills. I vote Yes to number 3, it would make quick banks possible and it to be easier when someone dies. As for number 4, I am neutral.


A bit more info on why I vote against number 2, if you have a cannon setup, as a solo player, I feel it would be relatively quick. Cannons hit up to what 400? And have that weird chance to proc 3 times. So having a solo with cannon feels like a duo in my head. I would want to test that at current def levels.

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Definitely something to consider... For comp Cape I was forced to perform 7 solo's. And my oh my were they difficult.


Cannon would be cool to have access to, although I feel as lowering the defence makes the boss too easy. That's what BG's and stat hammer are used for!


Overall I agree with the suggestion for allowing cannon, but cannot agree with lowering defence.

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1000% Yes to 1, No to 2, Maybe to 3 and I don’t exactly know the droprates right now. Corp still has to be hard.


I'm most in-line with this response. If RS allows cannons, I would obviously consider implementing that.

No to 2.

No to 3.

No to 4.


Corp might as well be a Rock Crab dropping Torva if we made all them adjustments.

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