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ARK can be a tad frustrating bug wise/dc'ing on the Xbox, but it runs better on PC from what I've been told. I recommend investing in the unofficial servers they have over official servers at the moment. There's a lot of bug abuse (lack of support for official servers when it comes to bug abuse), massive tribes (hundreds of players) that attack any not within their alliance and are very far ahead of the game compared to newer players joining, and struggle of playing solo on official. If you have contact with a person in a developed tribe that can teach you ropes, I would give official a try. Unofficial is way less time consuming and you can enjoy the game still. Mainly enjoy it for teamwork experience, dino theme, and possibilities they have with the game. Only issue at the moment is the company's priorities in my opinion. They have been releasing content and ignoring bug abuse that's been going on for a long time. At one point, players were spawning in items for months. Before, players bribed 'god dinos' off an admin and was able to breed the dino with theirs to create more. Dinos got out to rest of community and basically ruined the game. They let this go on for months, but eventually got rid of the problem by releasing new servers and deleting old overtime. Thing is they released the new servers with same problems as old ones.


We're glad to have you! Hope you enjoy your time spent.

Many thanks!


*Sorry for any grammar errors

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