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Appealing 2 Week Ban - Kyle

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Name: Kyle


Rules Broken (if any): (Allegedly) Violated zero-tolerance policy for macroing


Time Punished: 19APR2018


Punishment Length & Type: Ban, 2 weeks


Staff Member who issued the punishment: Lation


Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation: I would like to appeal the length of this ban, not the type or anything else.

Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?: I feel I have been a generally positive influence to the community and playerbase, never wronging any player and always trying to help out in-game, and monetarily. I do not wish to lose my maxed account, nor do I wish to halt the growth of this server. It may not be the popular opinion, but I stand by what I said. While I do not agree with this ban, I do feel the staff was doing their job and, obligatorily, I was punished. I understand that not responding is crucial in botting investigations, and I should not have had my screen setup the way I did.


Pictures/Videos: This is what my screen looked like, for anyone who is curious: http://prntscr.com/j9pa9f ------ I had my bank pulled up while mining, and was right clicking then left clicking "deposit x amount".



Thanks for taking the time to read this, I will not be bothered be you posting your opinion, nor will I bothered if you do not support me. I have been around for 2 years. I don't want that to go down the drain.


I would also like to add that the video, which was given as "evidence" of me botting mining, only shows someone trying to talk to me, and I wasn't answering. Last time I checked, players are allowed to play with their private/public chat turned off. Anyways, again, thanks for reading.

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I say ban for an extra 2 weeks ;)


Seriously though, sufficient evidence was supplied for certain rule breaking activities. I think however, you have learnt from your error of judgment and are ready to once again reintegrate back into the Ely society. If it were up to me I would reduce your punishment to 1 week ban, so you still have 2 days to serve out.



Edited by Jake
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