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Some ideas i've been thinking of.

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Hello everyone, King here i'm going to share few ideas and we could discuss opinions and what you guys think, maybe post polls for community to vote which to get implemented or how so whatever.



More alternatives of end-combat equipment to use than the usual nex set, let's say all have the same stats but with different looks so people can vary what they want to wear in the moment to go out and do some pvp/pvm, such as vanguard/trickster/battle-mage as a partial idea.

For those who would like to level combat a little bit more fast, (except prayer/summoning) a double exp combat ring.


Side idea: Or open up double exp weekends for players such as legends & iron mans.




Vote streaks & rewards. Let's say you vote 3 times in a row without missing a single day, then you would start to commulate vote streaks which would reward you with more vote points, limitable set double experience to spend in any skill, or vote streak points for a special shop to unlock unique in-game stuff.


Agility tickets shop to exhange for cosmetics, because, you know... Some people loves cosmetics specially skillers.


Using commands and learning to use the console might be tedious and annoying to some incoming and new players, so maybe create an easy-access tab with options so make people's life simplier, cause you know, some people preffers simplifity and they tend to leave/quit when something tends to be hard.


Quests(more), would be fun.



That's all i got for the moments, but i will come back with more ideas and suggestions.


Love everyone.


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Sounds good King, I like the idea for vote streaks, that sounds mad! Also loving the idea of reintroducing hybrid armour. As Kyle said, blink is a group boss that drops these parts. Used to be located in the wildy. (Would be awesome to see it make a return).


Also more quests would be dope!

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