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Kiln (Invulnerability) Crystal Not Working

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Ingame Username: Jake


Description of bug: At the 2nd last wave of kiln, it is imperative that players use atleast 1 Invulnerability Crystal to be able to complete the wave. Although at this moment in time that is impossible due to the Crystals not working... (they dont reduce all classed attacks for 30 seconds).


Screenshots, if possible: N/A


Detailed Explaination: I have completed up to wave 36 of kiln two times now, and have died twice due to the Crystals not having their desired effect. The JAD's are no longer safespottable due to the pathing so its impossible to successfully block 2 different styled JAD attacks at once, therefore rendering KILN impossible until this matter is resolved.

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Not a fix, but could you walk under one to offset the ticks so you can flick


Kiln worked perfectly on RSPS2, For some reason the crystals are FKD now :(

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