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(Denied) Charm Exchange

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Username (ingame): Kyle

Suggestion (provide all details possible): A way to exchange lower level charms for higher level ones.

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): It's a good way to burn up lower level charms that you would otherwise never use. Would benefit everyone.

Other Notes (if applicable): Perhaps the exchange rates could be:

10 Gold charms = 1 Green Charm

5 Green Charms = 1 Crimson charm

3 Crimson Charms = 1 Blue Charm.



Let me know what you guys think!

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Charms are already pretty easy to get, killing waterfiends or bonfire fire spirit for a bit will get you enough to 99. And considering you can buy all the pouches/scrolls in G.E I don't see that this is necessary.

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I do support this, I have 3k gold charms or something in my bank that I will never use. If this is possible that'd be cool

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Because I'm going for 200m Summoning, bonfiring to 200m FM got me less than 1000 charms (crims/blues). Try to think about it from a perspective other than your own please.

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Because I'm going for 200m Summoning, bonfiring to 200m FM got me less than 1000 charms (crims/blues). Try to think about it from a perspective other than your own please.


Pot meet kettle.... never been a fan of changing things to accommodate 200 mils. No support

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Support, would help for 200m grind for sure!


Is also get where Boats is coming from, we shouldn’t change for 200m’s but it will also help for legends!

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  • Developer
Pot meet kettle.... never been a fan of changing things to accommodate 200 mils. No support


This so much.. come on, go farm for charms like the game intends for you to do.

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I don't support this, it makes the charms then obsolete as nobody would ever use a gold charm again. Personally feel that if you want the experience then use the charms you have, if you're committed to having higher tier charms then you'd have to farm further for them.

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I would like to support this but not the way suggested. Maybe it should be more in line like how Invention works on RS3 were its close to 20 of X charm per Upgrade of charm. May seem like its not worth it at that point but in my opinion its worth for those with a bulk of gold/green charms.

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