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Hello Everyone, With the announcement yesterday that Ely will be shutting down at the end of February, I thought I would make a quick or not so quick post remembering some of the best times that I have had on Ely as well as some of the people that I think went woefully unappreciated so I wanted to thank them individually. First off, I have been playing Matt servers for over the past decade and this is now the second one that I have been able to sink (haha) with the ship on the staff team. I think I might be the problem, but I digress. With that, @Matt your coding is some of the best work in any RSPS. I hope life is treating you well and getting away from the RSPS scene has worked out well. @Lation, it has been an honor shit posting and memeing for the past 6 years. Thank you for hosting a server that has allowed so many people to come together from all over the world and form our own little *special* community. Some of the people I have met on this server and Zarpor are some that I hope will continue to be friends with forever. @Xenith, your work on the server was incredible. Every little change made things feel fresh and new again. The server would have died way before this month if you did not step in and make some of the best changes that we ever had on the server. Thank you. love you kisses With Xenith, comes his two little minions who also created some wonderful things and were the glue to the community for the longest time. @Iso and @fm das. Your guys work went a little less in the limelight than Mr Marios, but it was nevertheless appreciated immensely by those that were playing. I wish some of the things you guys created would have seen the light of day, but it is what it is. @Kari, this server never gets to where it is without you in my honest opinion. The best staff member to do it. Just like Lation said, even sticking around as long as you have is wonderful. @Tycho and Josh, you guys are irrelevant on ely, but you still my day 1's love u Everyone else listed here have just done a lot for the server and are sick @nelly @Sonofares Pk @Gravity@declann99 ur a rat. I am writing this at work lol so definitely missing people that are deserving, but I love you all. Except Kyle Anyways, that is my sappy thank you's. Now for some of my favorite things. First and foremost, Ely has some of my favorite Runescape memories. Especially Cl Fp. I am not sure I ever had as much fun playing RS as I did playing that account. The dopamine rush of a drop followed immediately by the looming fp was so much fun. If you want to relive the adventure. The other account that was an absolute blast was Chunker. Following some of the RS youtuber trends lol. This was fun too. This one died out quicker, but was a blast. I also comped when no one thought I would, so get fucked idiots And the last things that I am proud of here is the Secret Santas. I think we had them running 3 or 4 years and they were so much fun everytime. I love giving stupid gifts so this was perfect. My gift to goofball @Iso was probably my favorite Lukes was pretty solid too though Anyways. It has been a fun half decade or so. Ely was great and it will be missed. Talk to you all later xoxo kisses hugs smooches Boats
UPDATE AGAIN My next chunk was to the south of the monastery. The only task in this chunk, is to make an amulet of glory because I now have access to the dwarven mines. It also unlocked something big for me- the rune pick. Going to Nurmofs store, I was able to buy this. With the 99 mining cape so close, this could be massive. For 80 craft, I am going to do a mixture of thieving from the gem stall to cut gems and blowing glass. 80 shouldn't take too long. Especially with the dragon stones from chest. I also need to get the amulet mould which is a drop from the barbarians in barb village Since I also need level 68 magic to enchant the glory, I used magic to get the mould drop. got the mould, I did also get the ring mould so I will be able to make rings in the future Going to go back to earth warriors for the final magic levels And that ends this chunk! Nest was the champions guild I unfortunately can not currently access that chunk because the agility shortcut does not work, so that one will have to wait Next was west of dwarven mine Nothing to complete here This allows me to enter the draynor manor, but I still cannot kill the killerwatts, so again- nothing to complete. However, this brings me extremely close to 99 farming cape with no patches but the bush patch that I can not access. So hopefully I get a herb or tree patch soon lol but, nothing to complete in this chunk, so I get to roll again And I rolled the chunk........ I do not have any way to get farming xp at the moment though, so this goes on the backlog until i unlock a patch. The only thing I need to do is get a black knife drop from ankous a week later lol Nothing to do here, so onto the next one. Fuck. With this, I now have a farm patch which means I need to get 99 farming. Rip. I can use the tree patch and bagged plants. Time to make a lot of money
First update. As I mentioned, I started off in edgeville. This chunk had some basic things to do. Starting with smithing. I needed to smelt a steel bar using superheat. I started off killing skeletons and zombies in the edgeville dungeon for the 1/50 drop at copper and tin. After getting a couple of them, I realized there is a mine in the dungeon lol, so then it was ezpz. I also had to buy quite a few things from the slayer master as they are the current "bis". After getting all the bis, I headed back to the surface and started to cut logs as I needed to cut a yew log, burn it and fletch into a yew longbow u. Made short work of that and was able to roll a new chunk. With my first roll, I got the barbarian village. The biggest thing here was to mine adamantite bar and smelt it. To do this, I mined coal at barb village and at the newly found mine in the edgeville dungeon. I also had to cut a diamond which I was able to get from the gem stall. Overall pretty short chunk... Which I can not say about the next one. My next roll was one I was not looking forward to at all, the monastery. This chunk required me to get 99 prayer. I spent a little while thinking over the best ways, kill hill giants for big bones, buy bat bones from summoning store, regular bones, or c keys for bones. I ended up mainly doing c keys for bones. I did mix in a little hill giants killing, but I ended up killing nearly 1000 earth warriors in the wilderness and about 500 catablepon in the stronghold of security as those were the two highest drop rates that I could find. I ended up opening ~200 crystal chests and getting enough dag bones and dragon bones to get the 99. I did use a POH which may have been a little cheating, but it was tedious enough to get the bones that I figured it was ok And with my newly acquired cape and monk robes (and a steel mace because apparently that is bis prayer weapon), I rolled my next chunk. So far, so good. Prayer was hard, but was still fun. Looking forward to what is next.
I do it for you, my fans. Thank you
Hello All, Cl Fp was my last snowflake account. It was a lot of fun, but got a little old with restarting all the time. So I thought to myself, what is another idea I can steal from a youtuber to make the game ultimately harder and more miserable? So let me introduce you to my new account- Chunker. I am stealing this one from Limpwurt, it is a chunk locked ironman. Meaning I need to complete "everything" in a chunk before I can move to the next. I will be starting in Edgeville and progressing around the map until I get to something that makes me quit probably. I am using the OSRS version of chunk picker because obviously we don't have one. See here for what I currently have unlocked: https://source-chunk.github.io/chunk-picker-v2/?kfsm Rules: Follow everything on the chunk picker that I can do I will NOT be doing any of the "custom" content ie not in osrs. For example, the summoning cape is not in edgeville, so I do not need to get that until I get to taverly where it "actually" is. No rerolls. I went with a default account because I want it to be hard to accomplish some things without spending months of doing it. I will be going for all drops that are my new bis, completed collection logs for bosses, anything new from shops, any NEW skilling item I can get. Thing's may change or they may not, the account might also die after a day, but I will update it here regardless lol It has been enjoyable if not a little cumbersome so far. I am excited to see where I get.
I am engineer. Shit sucks yo
Patch Notes XCIII (#93) QoL, Bug Fixes & Adjustments
Boats replied to
fm das's topic in Server Updates
Was auto retaliate off or what?
Merry christmas iso goofball headass
Names have been selected and discord pm's sent out. Please let me know if you have any problems or any troubles with getting your person a gift. when giving the gift, please remember to take a screenshot and post on this thread! Thanks for doing this again this year! Merry Christmas!
Bump. Picking names in around a week.
Hello again gamers. It is time for the annual "Ely Secret Santa"! This is our 5th year doing it. If you would like to join, please reply to this thread with your in game name as well as your discord profile. Around December 18th, I will collect everyones names and put them into a random generator to decide who gets who. I will then let you know and you can give the gift anytime from then until (hopefully) before Christmas. Stealing the rules from last year (and the graphic ty @fm das) THE RULES You must get the person who is assigned to you a gift. The price does not matter, so please keep in mind you may get less than you give Don't spoil the surprise. Please do not tell the person you have them until you are gifting them their items You can begin giving gifts as soon as you are told who you have PLEASE remember to take a picture of what you are gifting and post a screenshot here with that. It is always fun to see what people get! If you sign up, you need to give something- don't be the one that ruins the holiday spirit. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Boats
No support from me. It is only a 7 day mute for saying the n word.
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Wildy slayer is currently in the works. Should be out soon (tm) which rev cave/weapons are you talking about? We do currently have the rev caves from pre eoc We recently “fixed” magic defense. If you get a list of bosses/npcs that feel bad with mage, we will test out and nerf as needed! I definitely support TOB. It might not be as hard because of the set rotations. But not sure. Would be fun content. We usually do have holiday events. Support for more though. Do you have any suggestions for rewards? Not the biggest fan of just gp. But could definitely get behind other rewards. I think a skilling box like the pvm box would be neat. Tiered coffer keys or coffer keys with charges have been suggested before and I think it’s a great idea. Support. I think voting rewards are fine where they are tbh. No support. Are you suggesting like rewards for making YouTube videos? I think something like that could be really neat. I know a lot of other players also like the idea of more YouTubers. I support coming up with something thanks for suggestions!
When skilling pets aren't ridiculous rates
Small update but kinda POG one. Also, the first page has updates on saved items and finished collection logs and stuff if you are ever interested. Did some slayer to get TD's task. Also did some clues when no one was around to fp so I could drop. Also sent a couple raids and got absolutely spooned ancestral bottoms. Decided to keep them, but I had a 750m fp still. AAAAAAAND busted of course. Sent some more clues and finally got TD's Completed 25 of those and all that was left for comp was kiln. It was my first time ever doing it, and ended up beating it first try. And I THOUGHT that was comp... But I forgot about crystal keys. Luckily I won my Kiln cape fp so I bought some keys at a very generous price from Gravity (TY @Gravity) And after opening those, I comped! Ty to @Kari @Gravity @Xenith and @easy mate and chonkybilly for coming to my comp party. Also thanks Kari for the 5m lol. Only real handout I have taken on the account because I had zero gp and wanted to buy cape lmao I thought cape was 99m, so I was going to keep it. But it is also only 5m so I am not sure if I will be keeping it or not yet. But anyways, comp is done and I am happy about that. Thank you for reading! Next will just be more slayer to fill cl's probably. Everything on the account
Hello Fellow Gamers. It is time for another update. Doing a lot of the same- but working towards comp. I am very close now. And this one had quite a bit of progress. Started off getting gloves to stop being a big noob. But like a moron, my first 100 floors I opened on Thursday because I thought it was Friday. So that was tough. And on top of that I got spell casters... The one I didn't want. Decided to run some dks because it was my task. Got seercull, mud battlestaff, and berserker ring. With a lot of losses Then went back to Dom tower. And I got a duplicate spellcasters and another pair of spellcasters. So that was cool. Decided to rush another 100, and got dual swifts. (btw HUGE thanks to @Xenithfor removing cut scenes. Best update ever. I then got chaos ele as task so finished that with a couple drops. Also went back to dom tower and got my goliaths. So now I have swifts and goliaths as saved items. This was when I decided to really push for comp. So I went to grae first. Got super spooned and got grae body and legs. I was very close to keeping the grae legs as a saved item- but ultimately decided against it. After completing my grae kills for comp (with a couple random fps in there from orn kits) I went to Zilyana to complete those kills. Got pretty lucky with pet and a couple other drops there. Was then the start of the month so I brought my darts to nex.... and got a dupe torva platebody. Which I promptly chanced and got a t2 torva body. I then went and finished DK's. Didn't get many drops so filling that cl out is going to suck. @sir enicthen carried me in raid, and I got spooned an elder maul... That I lost. Then a dex scroll. I then went to do my Wildy Wyrm kills. Got a barrelchest anchor. Finished out some comp reqs. And am on my way. Just Kiln and TD's left. Some screenshots: 200m range haha grae done DUPE TORVA PLATE soul gazer comp req dks comp zilyana comp Wyrm comp As always, thanks for reading. I will be back again soon!
I got so spooned lmao. I wasn’t looking guard to the desert ones cuz they annoy me. But got it right away. Was sick
Still a lot to do
UPDATE TIME ONCE AGAIN: It has been a while. I got quite a bit done. After the last episode, I went back to barrows to try and get the fucking Guthans warspear... My last item needed. I realized the clues from barrows were a great way to knock out some hard clue cl items, so I did those every time I got them. The log is just stupid After the weekend was over and I didn't get the drop (despite trying really hard), I figured I would go for my next untradable- the slayer helm. Since I got the black mask a while ago, I wanted to get the things to make the full helm before going for another mask. I got extremely lucky on hexcrest and focus sight. Like stupid dumb lucky. I am sure that won't come back to hurt me later. And with that, I made my 8th untradable item. After that I went to do slayer tasks with my fancy new helm. Got the new dragons, and got the dchain and dboots cl unexpectedly. So those were dumb fp's. After that, got blink as a task (Fuck you Kyle) and got battlemage rob bottoms at a low kc. Then did Kree and unlocked all the items BUT the arma hilt. So I will be going back there soon. After doing blink, I realized I wanted to have some better range gear so that I can use the helm when ranging. So I used lucky shards on arma top and bottom and those are untradable 9 and 10. I then decided I wanted to complete a log. So I thought KBD would be an easy one. After getting the Mage visage and the heads, I thought I was in the clear. It ended up taking over 600 kills to get the regular visage. But eventually I got it and thus completed another log. I also added the KBD heads to the slayer helm to make the cool one. With that done, I went to Nex and got a Torva helm. I struggled for a while on if I wanted to keep that item, and ultimately decided that with the slayer helm and serp helm- I probably didn't need it. So I fp'ed it and lost ofc. Continuing with slayer at Zilyana, got a couple drops. Went and grinded some clues. I don't like doing it, but when no one is around I do end up just dropping all the clue items. And ultimately, I want to get the gloves sorted so I needed to fill a good amount of logs quickly. And then finally, I went back to zammy because the staff of the dead got added so that log was no longer filled. Ended up getting pretty lucky, and got it relatively quickly. Some other cool things I did. Thank you again for reading. Probably the most content in one of the updates yet. Kisses Collection Log Items Locked Untradables Locked Tradables Full Logs
When opening clients, sometimes it opens in safe mode. Makes the game pretty much unplayable. Not sure what exactly causes it, but multiple people have it happen frequently.