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Everything posted by Callum

  1. Big support from me, would speed up Mining and open the opportunity to make Flasks.
  2. Will you be available at this day & time: Yes In-game Username: Callum Discord Username: Callum #3251
  3. Support from me, always a pain wanting to re-organise and having to move full tabs one by one.
  4. So there's two instances that I can think of off the top of my head where this bug comes into play: Boss Slayer Tasks - Even with 110 Combat + and 90 Slayer, these tasks can not be assigned. https://prnt.sc/urivk0 https://prnt.sc/urivqg Attempting to wear Dominion Gloves - Tested by Kemi previously, the gloves require 110 Combat and a specific Defence level to wear. I believe this is an issue with Summoning not correctly being registered as raising Combat levels. EDIT: This also has potential to be related to how the Wilderness sees Combat levels. As Summoning adds a +12 to your Combat, making my Ironman "technically" 104 Combat.
  5. Massive support for this! A console command to toggle to individual drops would be beneficial to ironman accounts. I know that the majority of this issue comes from holiday exclusive bosses as it's the main interaction, but the overall setting to filter to our own loot would be amazing regardless.
  6. I personally think that having them as random drops whilst completing the skill would not only work better, but also be more rewarding. Would be the same thrill as pulling a pet while you're on a long grind (better rates of course). If this does not end up being a community favourite, then definitely as a "Complete X amount of tasks to obtain the item" as this could be tied into a potential Achievement rework or used as a small benchmark for Completionist Cape (T) requirements. Either way, get them out of the stores, add in the missing outfits and stick them on the Collection Log.
  7. This is a must have for any successful server, its a +1 from me!
  8. That's the Ibans set in the Skilling store.
  9. Support from me, while you can mass train range in areas where you can use a cannon, Chinchompa's open another method up for this. I'm not 100% on the shops selling them. Personally I would keep them unlisted, increase the spawn regions and have them obtained through catching or other players only (potentially some in the Crystal Key chest) as this would be the beginning of making Hunter a profitable skill.
  10. Callum

    Hunter pet

    I'm always happy to support anything that's an extra grind, and pets are a massive bonus on that. I wouldn't restrict this to a specific Impling (can only be obtained on Kingly for example) but make it possible to obtain across the entirety of Puro-Puro with each imp having a different drop rate for the pet. As for the pet itself, either a transmogrification option to change it to the impling of your choice, or set it to the community favourite.
  11. This is fantastic, will always support something that extends the grind for those willing to put in the hours! What Defence level will it need to equip...
  12. So Gargoyles are still a mess. They all still attack you at once and you are unable to choose which Gargoyle you would like to attack in the event of a Superior, leading to it despawning. They have a habit of pathing outside of the walls at the Ancient Cavern, haven't confirmed this at other locations. https://prnt.sc/ummstv
  13. Another day, another suggestion. And this time we're going to focus on a useful yet broken part of the game; the Decanter npc. As always, this'll be multiple suggestions split into sub-sections in more detail below. Create Unfinished Pots for X Amount of Gold: A feature heavily used in OSRS at Nardah, the NPC Zahur will take any Vials of Water and Clean Herbs that you have noted in your inventory and exchange them immediately for X amount of gold. This would be a fantastic way to get bulk Unfinished Potions whilst also serving as a small gold sink. More information about Zahur located here - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Zahur Decant Dose Styles: As of right now, any noted Potions you take to the Decanter will be combined into 4 dose Potions. My offer here is to allow the option to split these into each individual dose as it is on OSRS (1, 2, 3 or 4). Potions such as Extremes, Super Antifires and Overloads require you to have Potions with 3 doses, which can be a nuisance when having to drink a dose of each Potion and wasting supplies. This option would fix that dilemma. Notable Potions: While the majority of Potions can be exchanged into 4 doses, select Potions such as Extremes, Super Antifires and Overloads can not (and can't even be decanted when they're un-noted having to do these manually). Changing these to have the ability to go into noted form would mean that you could do all of your exchanges in one batch instead of an absurd amount.
  14. Adding onto this, would be great to get FC's looked into as well to avoid any Attempting to Kick/Ban messages from moderators which I believe is tied in with the Friends/Ignore lists.
  15. Didn't even check to see this wasn't there. Support from me.

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