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  1. Once arrows are bound, you can't destroy them, thus making it impossible to bind better arrows.
  2. - When doing the toxic maze, you can basically surge through the walls by clicking on the yellow portals RsndzAao5J.mp4
  3. Can't edit post for some reason so here's a new one: - Personal gatestones don't work (they're crucial in getting around the floor) - Bosses don't drop weapons (which is also crucial for upgrading your gear in dungeoneering itself) - Is it still possible to get primal drops from completing a dungeon? I highly doubt this since I haven't seen a primal drop since the release of new DG. (Also the only way for an ironman to get primal) - Ready up/leave after finishing a floor doesnt work, making you wait a minute until you can either leave or start a new floor. - To'Kash the Bloodchiller is totally broken, if he's able to cast his ice barrage attack, you're stuck until you get kicked by staff - When encountering the divine skinweaver, the skeletons respawn 1 by 1 and also quite slow. It seems like you can trigger a spawn by standing on the healing pad but this boss still took a solid few minutes to kill due to slow spawns. - When Rammernaught charges, he immediately falls over. - Har'lak the Riftsplitters miasma attack (the purple dots) does nothing (supposed to poison you), his black dot attack does work however. - The night gazer fella goes invisible when entering his 2nd form - Shadow-Forger (the big hanging eyeball) doesn't attack and can't be attacked with melee either. - When creating a bow, you get this somewhat weird message
  4. Here's some things found during dungeoneering: - The main one, binding. Can bind items but they don't show up on the next floor. (Binding interface coming soontm) - The 'current keys' interface disappears after examining items/npcs, making it quite hard to see what doors you can open. - A Graetorian defender looks like a 100% drop (on c6) from Pyrefiends. - The monolith puzzle moves position when activated. - Used keys don't disappear once used. - Blink boss has always been quite aids, but him blasting 4-500s through the correct protection prayer makes it even worse. - Bosses in general have either super high defence, or the weapons in dungeoneering are too weak for their level.
  5. A new suggestion for the diary; Since you already have to open the crystal key chest 10.000 times for the elite achievement, I'm suggesting to also add the so called uniques (items which broadcast). Might be controversial for some, but there's some other crazy achievements so might as well add this one in too!
  6. New quest, unfinished potions maker and stackable clues? This is HUGE
  7. feed

    Charm Bag

    This sounds amazing, support!
  8. Suggestion for a new one : complete 1/all god books by filling them with the respective pages.
  9. BIG update, the new achievement system looks awesome. Time to grind some new tasks.
  10. Support, getting an effigy as a drop was always something exciting in the maingame. It can also motivate players to train their skills to be able to open these effigies.
  11. feed

    Pot timers

    Support as well. In case it isn't possible to move it around freely, we could have some predetermined spots to display them, toggleable from settings?
  12. Support for this, although I hate losing items and dislike the wildy in general, it still requires a nerf. Like Callum said, you can run in with a near full setup and lose basically nothing on death.
  13. A bit late with the reaction but support for this, having both the tree and star available to lower levels as well as more frequent spawns, would help out early game players significantly.
  14. Love updates like these! The new player examine is much more detailed and new discord commands are always fun to mess around with.
  15. Pets are always a fun thing to grind towards, so a big support from me.

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