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About Veit

  • Birthday December 21


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    Superintendent/Combo Welder.

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  1. Sign me up. IGN: Geo Discord: GarrettWade#7897
  2. Veit


    The Crumble Undead spell is supposed to be an instant kill to the spawned minion, but a lot of times splashes/doesn't kill it.
  3. Could we add an NPC that would charge you a fee to assemble your Spirit Shield or Dragonfire Shield variant like in OSRS?
  4. Currently the only 2 superior's I've had show up are the Basilisk and the Cave Horror, but both are lacking in the drop table. • The Cave Horror's Superior has half the chance to drop a Black mask than a normal Horror • The Basilisk's Superior doesn't even have a Basilisk Jaw on it's drop table at all. Could we possibly get someone to change these and possibly look into the other to check their tables as well?
  5. I'm not against this, however; I don't believe losing a chance to upgrade a dragon weapon/armour piece (other than the few pieces you can roll atm, or any piece t60 or below) should reward a Prismatic Gem. It's also pretty time consuming for something that won't effect many people at all, Barrows gear pretty much IS the transitioning gear between dragon/gwd.
  6. SUPPORT - Zealots being changed to only effect prayers boosting 1 skill, as intended. SUPPORT - Anguish/Tormented Bracelet buffs.
  7. I think one of the update threads said they are in the middle of adding this with some harder reqs for it to the game.
  8. Unfinished dragon bolts appear as a pink robe bottom in my inventory and I'm unable to attach feathers to them to fletch them.
  9. Deviant Spectre Drops lots of herbs in stacks of 10-20 but they are all unnoted as well.
  10. Zulrah • Snakelings do not die when the boss dies, which usually leads to the boss spawning while you're killing off the snakelings from the previous fight. Demonic Gorillas • Drop 27 toadflax(unnoted) • Drop 31 Snapdragon(unnoted) Not sure if it's intended but I'd like to grab them if it didn't require banking. Nex • Drops a bunch of unnoted sapphires. Similar case as to the demonic gorilla drops that are unnoted. Bane Projectiles; Energy Barrier at Glacors does not let you pass through. Bane rocks mining/atuning/fletching would be a very nice addition. This would make range considerable better when using dragonbane bolts/arrows against Vork/Kbd as opposed to everyone just using melee against most bosses currently. Dragon bolt (unf) (osrs) cannot be fletched into bolts and also have incorrect models.
  11. I support all of this, including the shop. Looks similar to the shop Alotic (very popular 667) use to have years ago.
  12. In reference to ;;topic 4780, just below the picture of t1 & t2 bandos stats "Simply put, any item available for upgrade (list below) will have a 10% increase of stats across the board." Guardian Equipment doesn't have increased ranged bonus, only defense bonus.
  13. I'd like to see more gems for scrapped higher tier items. Most of them only give 25% of an upgrade in terms of crystals which is rough in my opinion. For instance; Amulet of torture costs 40 to upgrade but a failed roll is only 10. You'd have to scrap 4 of them just to upgrade your fifth. I also know that's not how it's really being looked at at since everyone is just farming ;;train. Could remove ;;train points as soon as you stop getting money also?

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