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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Jake

    More Coxs

    Perfect brother! Would there be anyway to award points for search chests? in the theiving room.
  2. Jake

    More Coxs

    Ahh perfect! Can we try and also see if metamorphic dust is in the table too? Olmlets transformation would be dope, but might require more models.... All just nitty gritty details. But if we want 1:1 raids, itll all help in the long run. @Splash
  3. Jake

    More Coxs

    this^ Also thanks splash for all the models. Can we get a check on if Olmlet is on droptable? Cheers m8
  4. Here's a Few from 19 raids yesterday, will get into the nitty gritty today...
  5. Can we have a raids counter like OSRS? If its not already in the works.
  6. This is big! Thankyou for the live release. There really is only one way to find out if something isnt right, and thats to do it! Great job staff team on all the hours of developement on this update, and huge thanks to all the testers too
  7. I get paid by the hour, so yeah time management isn’t a thing for me mate… let’s face it though! Atleast I can read
  8. Jake

    Skilling outfits

  9. Who knew huh! As time progressed from day dot on Ely one thing was for sure. This thing that floats on water could make the whole server laugh or cry within 2 minutes of logging in… BUT posed absolutely no threat to anyone. HOWEVER! TODAY. Today my fellow elopians, what we know to be true has been oh so false! TODAY one of our greatest, deepest fears has come to life. This unsuspecting vessel of utter toxicity has unleashed chaos amongst its rise to glory. Its name… boats well done dearest Y AT, I feel like a proud older brother. Now can you make the most toxic cape design plox
  10. Some also dont have $1000 + donor and increased drop rates, let alone the time to grind out a collection log... After all, all that shows is your ability to grind a boss for hours on end... NO HATE btw. ILY @ewan
  11. Okay, I understand where you are coming from with the completion side of things.@Matt @ewan However that is completely the development team's own fault. You cannot expect people to grind hundreds of hours of content in "HOPE" of a reward... Look, If achievements had their own specific rewards, like (woodcutting achievements giving lumberjack gear) or (farming achievements giving Magic Secateurs) likewise (Fishing and cooking achievements giving shark gloves and cooking gauntlets) etc... then players would be more inclined to participate in grinding this content, therefore meaning completion rate's would be much higher. Instead, Basically all content ingame is unlocked through stores. Which; believe you me gets EXTREMELY boring! And if you're an absolute nerd like me, then you end up having either 50x of each item or 500k Points leftover in the shop... All of that being said, Clearly the long term the goal is ofcourse Completionist Cape (Trimmed), BUT! If its player ingagement you wish to achieve, then players need the instant reward from completeing the achievements. Which means either creating new rewards or moving exsisting shop items into an unlockable achievement reward system. In terms of Raids and other new content, that can always come later, Its better those forms of content aren't rushed just for the sake of a release date; rather perfected so its an enjoyable experience for the players. Not to mention, new requirements can always be added to the Completionist Cape & Completionist Cape T list's at a later date. I'll be free for testing over the next coming days, so please if you need any extra raid help @Matt Just HOLA at me! Thanks, Jake
  12. The server is in desperate need of some new content! Something with substance though, not just a copy and pasted osrs boss or armour in boxes. I know myself and a fair few others want to see new content locked behind ingame walls (quests, achievements etc.) Although with all this in mind we know its not an easy feat by any shot. That being said; if the staff team ever need help. WE the community are always available. WE the community afterall are the ones that reap the rewards and enjoyment of playing the game. Please let the community help eachother in making Ely the best possible version of itself!
  13. I’ve been hunting this for 3 days straight now… Gunna be a longggg road
  14. Jake


    When a large amount of coins are dropped to the floor by a monster or player, they show as a low number (usually around 5-25k) whereas they are upwards of 10m usually.
  15. deleted what i originally said cus iso got butthurt about his nan
  16. Statue of HCIM VIVI is at ::tele troll, the disease free farming patch. Can we get this removed as its not supposed to be there and instead replace it with the Tool Leprechaun so people can note their herbs when farming. Thanks
  17. Support! The fact I can afk in wildy and not worry about losing money is utterly uncomprehensible... There needs to be some system that allows the PKer to make money from the person they PKed without that person losing their lucky items. Maybe implementing some form of OSRS system like @Gravity said that effectively "locks" the items from being used until the person pays a fee. That fee being the same amount that is given to the PKer.

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