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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Okay so first of all, this is huge. What an account! I don't think many people can comprehend the amount of effort it takes for a UIM let alone one with such complexity. Well done @easy mate fantastic effort! Secondly, an I'm inclined to ask this due to the nature of what you've done here.... Is everything okay buddy? You all wired right or are there a few roo's let loose in the top paddock because to me it looks like you're as confused as a chameleon in a bag of skittles.
  2. BEST THING IVE HEARD!!! This means I can play at work when I'm sitting in the ambulance doing SFA
  3. Oh my god! okay who are you and what have you done with the Ely staff team! also thx for fire breathing lizard birds
  4. Very nice update! Stoked to finally see an alternate way to get a DWH. Great job @Xenithon that Ash sanctifier replica
  5. This is such a complicated topic to try and discuss due to the fact that everyone is so different! Times change, regardless of if you want them to or not, both for good and bad. This ultimately directly impacts the way in which certain games either succeed or not. As lation perfectly stated above we are an RSPS who have been through thick and thin multiple times… not to mention that RSPS’s as a whole are under threat from OSRS which is itself rapidly hemorrhaging players. Runescape in essence is a game with a very unique and diverse player base. That being said there are definitely things RSPSs can do to try retain/increase it’s players. Most ideas above are great! Consistent updates, new content, better transitions between game stages, new skills, extensions of old skills, afk zones. Sadly I feel like I’ve heard all of these before! And whilst they’ll drastically help in retaining players I highly doubt they’ll encourage new players. The huge difference with Ely is that our owner @Lationand his staff team arent here doing all this as a cash grab, they’re here because they also share the same love for the game that we do. Hence we have been around for so long. Now don’t get me wrong, we definitely should create a list utilising all the ideas from above and start really trying to implement them to a point where they feel right. Not as just a one off activity. Someone above stated a group activity which would be worthwhile, what could this look like? We have an amazingly talented modeller @Splashwho I can say with confidence will definitely be able to whip up a mean looking boss / mini game but only if the community can input ideas! As for @Lationdefinitely keep ripping in, you’re doing a great job. Just need Matt to try keep on top of bug fixes and trying to tie it all this new content together with thing like Collection logs, Achievements etc. (Chambers of Xeric dosent have either of these yet). Other than topics that have been stated above; Ely is one of a kind, with a player base extending back over 10 years! Now that in-itself is incredible however for it to fit in with this current day and age it needs drastic changes to its social media - YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. (Just get it out everywhere!) Make a goddamn MySpace account or TikTok if you have to PS. Look forward to seeing all you rascals ingame!
  6. Likewise brother! Glad to see your face around
  7. Love the idea man, maybe this could be a collaborative space to work on how it would be obtained. I used to play another rsps long ago in 2012 which had this exact system. Skilling outfits as rewards for achievement completion which imo makes a lot more sense!
  8. So true bro! But I guess that’s just the way a shop works, however atleast it’ll take a hell of a lot longer for someone to buy out every single item there.
  9. EXPERIENCE BOOSTING OUTFITS Hello fellow Elyisans! If you have ever been in game skilling and seen the message "You gain (X) skilling points for gaining 1 million experience" you'd probably also been to the "Skilling Rewards" shop to spend those points on some essential experience boosting sets. Well... That's what this whole post is focusing on. Personally I have 2x every single set as-well as a fair few leftover points and nothing to do with them; I'm proposing that we add a few more of the skill boosting sets from RS to this shop! Some for Herblore, Hunter, Farming, Mining Upgrade, Crafting and Cooking to name a few. That being said, a lot of you will try to inform me that we already have some of these sets in game via skilling coffers which is awesome! However it dosent ensure you are able to get a piece or the set for that fact. Thus behold... Herblore / Hunter / Farming: Witchdoctor robe set + mask (Set cost: Mask 12K points, Robe 12K points, Legs 12K points). Total 36K Points. Upgraded Mining set: Magic Golem Outfit (Set cost: Helm 7.5K, Top 7.5K, Legs 7.5K, Gloves 7.5K, Boots 7.5K). Total 50K Points. (These could be an override for the Golden Mining Suit) Crafting set: Artisan's Outfit (Set cost: Bandana 10K, Top 10k, Chaps 10K, Gloves 10K, Boots 10K). Total 50K Points. Sculpting Chisel (Item cost: Chisel 20K) Total 20K Points. Cooking Set: Sous Chef's Outfit (Set cost: Hat 10K, Top 10K, Pants 10K, Gloves 10K, Shoes 10K). Total 50K Points. Smithing Set: Blacksmith's Outfit (Set cost: Mask 10K, Top 10K, Legs 10K, Gloves 10K, Boots 10K). Total 50K Points. Prayer Set: First-Age Outfit (Set cost: Tiara 15K, Amulet 15K, Cape 15K, Bracelet 15K, Ring 15K). Total 75K Points. All in all that's 6 extra sets added to a shop which is well in need of an update. This would greatly benefit ironmen who can't gain access to well boosts aswell as those who want to see our RSPS stay one of the best in the business. Thanks, Jake
  10. @Tycho long time no see bruh! How've you been mate?
  11. Honestly one of the best updates to hit ely in its entire existence! I'll tell ya after 500 floors of consecutive DOM tower you definitely end up insane (look at me)... Removing these cutscenes actually wants me to start another HCIM now! As for bug fixes within CoX that's just awesome and the nerfs and buffs of particular weapons; However what I am perhaps most excited about within this update is the addition of skilling rewards from actually participating in the skill itself not as a bi product of skilling points. Clues scrolls and coffers were an excellent choice. As for the rework of monsters throughout Ely, that has been a long awaited and very relevant step in maintain that ely be the greatest RSPS out there! Huge thankyou to @fm das @Matt @Xenith @Iso for all you have done, Ely has always been for the players. And this update is exactly that...
  12. Hell yeah man! Keen to see how this plays out
  13. Congrats on maxing mate! What’s the next goal from here on after?
  14. Jake

    Quest Bug

    Players who didn’t complete “The Christmas catastrophe” quest when it was released can no longer start or complete the quest. Meaning they will never be able to complete the questing section of total completion. Could we either remove the quest or fix somehow (maybe add a different npc) please.
  15. The "Monsters I" Medium category for the achievement diary is broken, Players cannot gain Brutal Red Dragon kill count because it is spelt "Brtual Red Dragon". Fix please xx
  16. This is actually a sick idea! Love it mate. give us a yell if you ever need the fp
  17. Deviant spectres within the catacombs do NOT count toward aberrant spectre kills for slayer. This should however be the case as in OSRS.
  18. Haven’t used this one in a while “+1 Support”
  19. What a great person Askbrown has turned out to be! here's to you mate:
  20. Currently as it stands, completionist cape (hooded) does not posses the features that comp cape does. Examples below: Pls fix when you have time

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