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Everything posted by Jake

  1. It used to be MUCH BETTER! We gotta work on adding more to it, some of these are outdated. :P
  2. I always have my game set to direct X, still crash after teleporting, dunging, or intensive clicking...
  3. I say ban for an extra 2 weeks ;) Seriously though, sufficient evidence was supplied for certain rule breaking activities. I think however, you have learnt from your error of judgment and are ready to once again reintegrate back into the Ely society. If it were up to me I would reduce your punishment to 1 week ban, so you still have 2 days to serve out. #justmythoughts
  4. Jake


    Allo Poppet! Glad to see ya back matey ;)
  5. (Ingame Username: ) Jake (Description of bug: ) Different with the individual, some people experience a ::kick like dc, which boots them back to login. Others are experiencing black-screens, and myself am experiencing random client exits... (Screenshots, if possible: ) N/A (Detailed Explaination: ) Mostly due to teleporting in and out of minigames, locations and intense clicking. Heard that it might be caused by login server? MUST FIX!
  6. (Ingame Username: ) Jake. (Description of bug: ) All trees in farming have been nerfed alot! But along side this, some of them dont have a "Check Health" option anymore. Nor the fact that some patches dont even work... Needs to be fixed ASAP (Screenshots, if possible: ) (Detailed Explaination: ) Gainz are slow for farming...
  7. BUMP! On previous server, trees were nerfed severely for both gamemodes. Please reinstate the appropriate xp!
  8. That's a great idea, Maybe add them to Slayer monsters that require 75+ slayer to kill.
  9. Jake

    Buff Timers

    As Kyle said, he made these functional back in rsps2! They were dope. 100% Support the addition of these.
  10. Username (ingame): Jake Suggestion (provide all details possible): Add SOF Spin Tickets to more drop tables. Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): Just recently had a Ganodermic Beasts slayer task and found to much surprise that they drop SOF Spin tickets (1 spin each). Had the idea to add these to all monsters at around 1:25 drop rate! Would help bring more skilling supplies ingame, and give reason for players to farm monsters that wouldn't usually be killed often, Ultimately helping establish a stronger economy. Other Notes (if applicable): N/A
  11. Just so you know, you can edit previous comments :). Prevents unnecessary clutter in the forums
  12. Sounds good King, I like the idea for vote streaks, that sounds mad! Also loving the idea of reintroducing hybrid armour. As Kyle said, blink is a group boss that drops these parts. Used to be located in the wildy. (Would be awesome to see it make a return). Also more quests would be dope!
  13. Support, but instead maybe use the "Fishing Outfit" from Fish Flingers minigame, seen as this is already ingame!
  14. Rest in Peace to the first maxed hcim...
  15. Sacred Clay would be cool, also nice use of the format ya nub ;)
  16. No support, Dont be lazy! 200m's are an accomplishment. Dont degrade the achievement by making it easy.
  17. Kiln worked perfectly on RSPS2, For some reason the crystals are FKD now :(
  18. Ingame Username: Jake Description of bug: At the 2nd last wave of kiln, it is imperative that players use atleast 1 Invulnerability Crystal to be able to complete the wave. Although at this moment in time that is impossible due to the Crystals not working... (they dont reduce all classed attacks for 30 seconds). Screenshots, if possible: N/A Detailed Explaination: I have completed up to wave 36 of kiln two times now, and have died twice due to the Crystals not having their desired effect. The JAD's are no longer safespottable due to the pathing so its impossible to successfully block 2 different styled JAD attacks at once, therefore rendering KILN impossible until this matter is resolved.
  19. Type the right case then... :3
  20. Just use the G.E? But nah, good idea! Support.
  21. Magic tree needs fixing! Only gave 60k xp. Now it dosent even work... PLS FIX
  22. Jake

    What's Up

    Welcome back Angst! Good to see ya bro ;)
  23. Nice Calculations mate! Great guide, maybe add some photos?
  24. Nerd. Train agility separately! Would be kinda cool to see though.

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