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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Lation teach me the way Papi! I support ELY
  2. Would be cool to see a revamp of the PVM shop in general. 100% agree though, iron-men need more choice rather then 1 object.
  3. Very very nice! Cant wait until its done... Good Job :)
  4. Very nice bug fixes, Ironmen now have more options! Woot woot. Not sure how I feel about the 500 limit... �� Overall good job Lation and Matt!
  5. Thankyou for informing us! Next time please use the correct format... You can find it here: http://www.elyrsps.net/forums/showthread.php?12-Reporting-a-Bug-Format
  6. Should be able to do this already... Edit: You are able to convert between Items and Set Box
  7. Holy moly, this spam thread is nearing the amount of pages my script has... PS. Totally support Splash's idea!
  8. You can get Onyx from Soulgazers as stated, also from Nomad and kiln... I like the idea you have for a Tokkul shop! There are already some in runescape, being armour and gem. I believe adding these back would be very beneficial towards lower level players.
  9. Oooof! P.s Jer's a mexican give him rank Also WTF is this thread, Post count city?
  10. Nice tracking skills young man! Got pretty unlucky though :( Better luck next time...
  11. Welcome Jess! Enjoy your stay :)
  12. Matthew, I completely agree with the end suggestions you have posted. Although I still think all dragons should drop noted bones... If we removed all bones from the g.e players would still have to grind for them. However I strongly support the revitalisation of the wildy through other means like: - Agility tickets (2-3 from completion of wilderness course). - Wilderness fishing (Shark fishing east wildy near daemonheim, could give fury sharks noted as a rare chance). - New Hunter options (ruby harvests near wildy magic trees, they give best XP ingame with brawlers!). - New thieving options (Rogues in the castle & Pirates Den chest). - Woodcutting (noted logs in wildy only!). By achieving this we can successfully remove all buyable skilling items from the game and try to atleast rejuvenate the wilderness! Thankyou gravity for the post, much needed discussion.
  13. Would be an awesome update, could add it to the playtime tab. Also, maybe make BXP lamps so that you can claim whenever you need to. Giving them a time limit of 10 mins each.
  14. Summer store, always a winner. Get in now dudes! Great update
  15. Oooooof! Perfection here ^ All of these suggestions seem valid and very necessary for the current state of Ely. Would love to see bork added, and skillcape perks would be amazing!
  16. Welcome bro! Enjoy ur stay. :D
  17. Oooof Beautiful! Great update.
  18. Ooooooof Perfection. Love it, keep the great updates coming!
  19. In the console, type "client" and search the list for the command "hide pets" or W/E it's called... My familiars work fine. So that's something client side.
  20. Rip sad to see you go Garrett! Please visit :P
  21. Also Support! As long as comp stays primary cape...
  22. I like this! Cool idea guys. Helps community members out aswell :)
  23. Very very nice! Cool lil update to keep us going :P

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