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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Great stuff from the team, does this mean you aren't handing out free kilns anymore? Cus I was the only one who actually attempted it... However, I can't wait for it. This suprise is the best thing since sliced bread! Can't wait. :OOF:
  2. Bruhhhhhh, im dead... :OOF: Props though kyle, you know how to create a good meme thread!
  3. Join #maxedclan once your maxed. We have great banter! See either Kari, Nick, Flip or any of our other clan ranked players to receive an invite. Jakey
  4. Jake

    Kyle Appeal

    Welcome Back! Hope you enjoy the stay.
  5. Very nice! Hopefully this will entice new players to show intrest in supporting the server! Love the decision, hopefully y'all enjoy the rewards :)
  6. So since we have the pet, can we make it a gamble at the fight cave entrance?
  7. There is! http://www.elyrsps.net/forums/showthread.php?311-Iron-man-Pvm-rewards Please feel free to suggest item to add on the thread above. As for now, I shall close this one.
  8. Robin hood hat and ranger boots are both obtained through clue scrolls, plus the addition of vote shop. I dislike the idea of adding it to pvm shop. There are lot more useful items that can be added in its place. Eg Cannon, pack's including bones, seeds, bars etc. I believe it would be better to establish a list of items that the community would like to see in there, rather then add random items.
  9. Very very nice! GJ. Glad to see you nerds are still grinding XD
  10. Checkout all these new banners boys. Looking dope! Rip to the armours though:(
  11. Yes boysssssss, Content! Love it. Thanks Matt and Latino!
  12. Very nice... Putting in effort so far Hades. Keep up the great work!
  13. Welcome to Ely Glam, hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. Already been suggested!
  15. IKR, they always burn my orders!
  16. Welcome Sam! Can't wait to see you ingame. As lation said, this is quite the introduction!
  17. Agreeing with Sam, This new homepage looks so legitimate! Clean precise and easy to follow, tons of information and well that fabulous Ely logo. Couldn't be better!!!
  18. Cannonball pack, overload pack, prayer renewal pack, elite void, Regular dagonnoth rings? Remove these from all shops!
  19. I like cheese and pineapple on pizza!
  20. Jake


    Seems like a boss we should implement info Ely ;) Nah but seriously though, shit sounds insane!
  21. DATE CONFIRMED! Hello all, Your are all hereby invited to the largest player hosted event in Ely History! Next week on the Friday 15th June 2018, amongst Kari, Swanky and I, we have have decided to try and host Ely's largest Drop Party and HNS Combined!!! The event will Begin at 8pm Eastern Time (Saturday 10am AEST) and will be hosted at the "::tele bet" Teleport. We hope to see you all there, and get your mice ready the cheese will be plentiful... May the luck be with you all! Huge thanks to Kari and Swanky for sponsoring the event. For all those who cant make the giveaway, I will be doing a 1-28 goodiebag here on the forums for you all! Please leave your in-game next to your chosen number. (PS. DO NOT TRY TO ADD YOUR NAME 2x, if you do you will be removed from the giveaway completely.) 1. Nick. 2. Flip. 3. 991atatime. 4. Nicky. 5. 6. Detroitmi. 7. Jonny / Worst HCIM. 8. Spoon1. 9. 10. Enzyme. 11. Josh. 12. 13. BrandBeast45. 14. Hades. 15. 16. LordTik. 17. Lation. 18. 19. Matthew. 20. Kutanaga. 21. 22. Jeremy. 23. 24. 99 pray plz. 25. Craydor. 26. 27. 28. Swanky. Goodluck Yall. EDIT: Congrats To all the GoodieBag winners, Enjoy your prizes!
  22. Username (ingame): Jake. Suggestion (provide all details possible): Add cash (preferably 1m+) to his drop table every kill. Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): The monetary some that could be dropped will be enough to cover the amount spent on supplies as well as give some sort of profit for players. Other Notes (if applicable): Wilderness Wyrm is already a risky boss to kill, and after killing it most of the time; Players feel as though they are ripped off. This boss spawns alternatively every 3 hours, so its not like you could abuse this in anyway...

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